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Potret Seniman Bersama Kucingnya

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   07:50

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Pernahkah kamu bayangkan selain membuat karya apa yang dilakukan seorang seniman? Tentu bersantai salah satunya. Pablo Picasso, Frida Kahlo, Andy Warhol adalah seniman terkenal yang telah mendunia dan mereka adalah pencinta kucing. Waktu mereka bersantai sejenak dari karya besar dibuatnya, mereka kerap bermain dengan kucing. Hal ini tertulis dalam Buku Artist and Their Cats, buatan Alison Nastasi, ia membuat daftar seniman yang mencintai kucing dan sedikit sejarahnya. Berikut daftar sebagian seniman besar yang mencintai kucing.

ohn Cage. Courtesy of the John Cage Trust

ohn Cage. Courtesy of the John Cage Trust

Philip Burne Jones. Photo by Bain News Service, no date listed; image courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Philip Burne Jones. Photo by Bain News Service, no date listed; image courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Salvador Dali. World Telegram & Sun photo by Roger Higgins; image courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Salvador Dali. World Telegram & Sun photo by Roger Higgins; image courtesy of the Library of Congress.

Henri Matisse. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos.

Henri Matisse. © Robert Capa © International Center of Photography/Magnum Photos.

Georgia O’Keeffe. Photograph by John Candelario. Courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), 165660

Georgia O’Keeffe. Photograph by John Candelario. Courtesy Palace of the Governors Photo Archives (NMHM/DCA), 165660

Florence Henri. Courtesy Archive Florence Henri/Martini & Ronchetti, Genoa.

Florence Henri. Courtesy Archive Florence Henri/Martini & Ronchetti, Genoa.

Arthur Rackham. Image courtesy of the Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University.

Arthur Rackham. Image courtesy of the Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University.

Wanda Gag. Photographer unknown; photo used by permission of the Minnesota Historical Society.

Wanda Gag. Photographer unknown; photo used by permission of the Minnesota Historical Society.

Pablo Picasso. Photograph by Carlos Nadal, 1960; © Estate of Pablo Picasso. Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Pablo Picasso. Photograph by Carlos Nadal, 1960; © Estate of Pablo Picasso. Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Andy Warhol. © 2014 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Andy Warhol. © 2014 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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