If you search for tenderness
it isn't hard to find.
You can have the love you need to live.
But if you look for truthfulness
You might just as well be blind.
It always seems to be so hard to give.
Honesty is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.
Honesty is hardly ever heard.
And mostly what I need from you.
I can always find someone
to say they sympathize.
If I wear my heart out on my sleeve.
But I don't want some pretty face
to tell me pretty lies.
All I want is someone to believe.
Honesty is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.
Honesty is hardly ever heard.
And mostly what I need from you.
I can find a lover.
I can find a friend.
I can have security until the bitter end.
Anyone can comfort me
with promises again.
I know, I know.
When I'm deep inside of me
don't be too concerned.
I won't as for nothin' while I'm gone.
But when I want sincerity
tell me where else can I turn.
Because you're the one I depend upon.
Honesty is such a lonely word.
Everyone is so untrue.
Honesty is hardly ever heard.
And mostly what I need from you.
Honesty "Kejujuran" adalah sebuah lagu yang dibawakan oleh Billy Joel dirilis pada tahun 1979 sebagai single ketiga dari album Street 52 . Jika anda penggemar lagu-lagu Billy Joel tentu sudah tidak asing lagi dengan lagu tersebut. Hits lainnya yang cukup enak didengar antara lain; Just The Way You Are (1977), You Maybe Right, My Life , The Stranger, It's Still Rock "n" Roll To Me, dll.
Mungkin lagu Honesty saat ini sudah sangat jarang sekali didengar atau diperdengarkan, seperti halnya sulit sekali menemukan pribadi-pribadi yang menyukai "Honesty".
Selamat menikmati buah karya Billy Joel berikut ini, semoga bermanfaat dan menghibur.