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saya adalah seorang pemimpi besar, penulis profesional (amin) yang punya ambisi besar mngilingi dunia dan membagikan goresan cerita keindahan Syurga Tuhan ke masyarakat luas melalui tulisan dan juga gambar. kegagalan atau kesalahan bukanlah sebuah kejahatan. mari membangun mimpi bersama saya.

Sepenggal Goresan Sang Pembelajar

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   09:34

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Entah apa yang menghantarkan kaki menuju ke sebuah tempat yang berada di ujung timur pulau jawa ini meski belum terlalu jauh juga sich haha. Sebuah kampung yang menenangkan, persawahan hijau membentang di kiri kanan jalan, orang orang baru yang ramah dan bersahabat, Kelud mountain looks very beautiful from this place. Awalnya di tahun 2013 yang silam saya pernah mengunjungi tempat ini tepatnya pada saat mengikuti pelatihan organsasi yang punya andil besar menempa diri ku especially religious, leadership, and all about indonesia namely Islamic assosiation of Students called as HMI.
Tidak terasa tepat di awal bulan desember 2014 aku datang ketempat ini lagi, jelas bukan untuk vacation or talk walk but to study. Iya belajar sebuah pengetahuan yang sangat aku benci, sampai sampai aku hampir gagal wisuda gara-gara skor untuk syarat kompre belum mencukupi but good fate chooice me. Sudah tiga kali aku scoring tetapi hasilnya hanya mentok 385 masih jauh dari 400. Beruntung pas ada pelatihan bahasa inggris untuk mahasiswa bidikmisi skor ku mencapi 400 tepatnya 407 ini yang ku gunakan sebagai syarat kompre dan alhamdulillah bisa. Lega. Bisa dibayangkan i am very stupid to gain this scor i can’t. I’am failed. Bersyukur akhirnya di wisuda setidaknya mimpi untuk selesai dari universitas kebanggan ku terkabulkan yakni kurang dari 4 tahun dan sedikitnya juga telah membuat my best heroes are happy i.e my parents.
Kini sudah berada di ujung waktu, sudah tiga bulan tempat ini menemani aku, susah senang, kesendirian, sahabat-sahabat terbaik yang ku temui disini, teachers yang berkualitas, telah memberikan sebuah kado terindah pada ku yakni begin to love english. Yeah a foreign language yang kini mulai menyusup kesemua pikiran ku.
Aku tidak pernah tahu hadiah indah apa yang akan Tuhan berikan nantinya kepada ku, setidaknya saat ini i really believe bahwa semua nya apapun itu terjadi atas kehendak Tuhan. Lord is the best plan itu yang kini aku yakini. fates, dreams, hopes, semua nya dalam genggaman Tuhan. Tidak ada yang nyata, kita hanya bisa berusaha Tuhan yang menentukan. Sebuah keyakinan yang tidak mudah untuk di ucapkan. Di saat semua sahabat sahabat ku satu persatu sudah menemukan jalan hidupnya, ada yang sudah memutuskan untuk segera mengakhiri masa lajang dengan bekelurga, sebuah keputusan yang teristimewa, ada juga yang sudah menemukan jalan karirnya mulai bekerja sebagai auditor, bpk, di perusahaan kecil dan besar, sampai ada juga yang menjadi PNS, ada juga yang telah menemukan mimpi besarnya yakni melanjutkan kuliah pasca sarjana. Dan banyak lagi yang lainya. Sementara aku ? lemah tulang ini saat harus berhadapan dengan pertanyaan sederhaa yang bagi ku bagai petir ketika ada orang yang bertanya status saat ini. Hiks, bungkam. Hening. Dan sesak di relung hati yang dalam.
Yach semua kabar gembira itu tak luput dari perhatian ku, setidaknya mereka telah berhasil mengusik tenangnya hati kecil ku. Di pojok sudut kampung pare ini, tidak jarang aku tak bisa hanya sekedar menutupkan mata sehabis aktifitas padat kursusan, selalu terngiang di telinga ku “ kemana arah langkah ku ini kedepannya “ atau “ seperti apa aku di masa depan” dan banyak lagi pertanyaan yang tidak sanggup aku jawab. Pertanyaan yang aku bisa jawab dengan doa dan mempercayakan sepenuhnya pada Tuhan pemilik raga kotor ini. Allah.
Yach tidak ada yang tidak mau bekerja apapun itu bekerja sendiri atau pada orang lain, berpenghasilan dengan hasil keringat sendiri, giving a few gifts untuk orang yang telah membesarkan kita, saya pikir tidak ada yang tidak mengingkan itu termasuk saya. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang menjadikan nya sebuah cita cita besar. Sampai saat ini, itu yang selalu menghantui pikiran ku. Sering larut malam aku terjaga dan meneteskan butiran bening yang aku sendiri tidak tahu apa arti semua itu, tangisan sedihkah ? tangisan kekhwatirankah ? atau sebuah pengharapan besar yang belum pernah tahu wujudnya apa. I don’t know, namun setidaknya i have some great dreams, aku punya segudang mimpi yang membesarkan jiwa ku yang aku sendiri tidak tahu kapan mimpi-mimpi itu akan terwujudkan, semua rapi tertulis dalam lembaran yang ku beri nama “ pure pages” dan ku rawat dan berusaha keras untuk aku wujudkan. May God answer all my great dreams.
Hadirnya diri ku disini tak terlepas juga dari sebuah kegagalan yang sempat sedikit menggoncang pikiran ku, aku telah berusaha berjuang keras namun aku akhirnya harus menelan sebuah kegagalan awal, yang kini ku yakini sebagai ujian dari Allah yang harus di syukuri mungkin saja Dia belum mempercayai ku jika itu Dia berikan pada tahun itu, Pegawai Kementerian keuangan. Ini yang menjadi target ku tahun 2014, dan kau tahu hadirnya aku di pare ini menunjukkan aku belum berhasi dengan mimpi itu. Failed, yach i should try again and study hard. Memang pengalaman yang ku jalani belum begitu menyedihkan di bandingkan yang lain, tapi apakah aku harus sama dengan yang lain itu ?
Kita tinggalkan kisah kisah sedih menyentuh hati dan memperindah tulisan ini. Kembali ke topik, aku ingin membagikan sebuah pengalama atau pun sebuah hasil kerja keras ku di kampung pare, kediri jawa timur ini. Apalagi kalau bukan bahasa inggris. Barangkali aja da yang tertarik untuk datang kesini. Kalau aku boleh saran silahkan aja keisni, keunikan dan sistem yang berbeda menjadi kita nyaman untuk belajar disini. Kini aku mencoba mentranslate semua tulisan yang aku tulis, tertatih iya karena emang basic englishnya aku gak punya, namun semua teratasi dengan kerja keras. Beberapa sebuah hasil jerih keringat ku mentranslite dari indonesia ke ingrris tentu banyak salah awalnya namun dengan terus latihan beberap tulisan ini menjadi a few my great creations. Ini dia hasilnya selama aku belajar ada lagi sich tapi belum sempat di tulis di word.
1.Technological development in The modern communication has given not only positive but also negative effect.
Certainly, this really needs government attention and parents’ active participation to overcome various effects which is caused by modern technological development especially telecommunication field.
We often find various developments wich are resulted from our efforts to solve/overcome various information of science. We often find young generation’s moral decadence as an effect of their bad habit to access wrong sites.
2.Generally, positive activities of students in schools are more aimed at how they can avoid negative influences which can finally threaten thier future.
So, in this case, the active role of parents, teachers, the governments is really needed to support the existance better future young generation. Certainly, there are many positive activities wich can bring the young generation (them) to better for their future (thier beter future).
3.Drug abuse wich is often done by bad young generation has become one of the government’s schedules/agendas to be solved soon.
Their bad habit to comsume gives negative effect to not only themselves but also social environment which is often feel distrubed with their bad attitudes. Psychological effect of their bad habit in comsuming/ to comsume drug is a long addiction which can really reduce their spirit to gain various acheivement namely study, worship, and sport, etc.
Really, many parents and teachers concerned with this bad condition, but they don’t know how to solve the problem. There are some effective steps to solve the serious problem of drug abuse such as parents’ strict control to their children’s activities/attitude, police’s strict action strong law enforcement to the drug corelation and aducational institutions’ active participation to control many activities of students.
4.The goverement’s strong support to development program of human resources which is planned must be realized with all legislative members’ positive political wiil. Nevertheless, the problem wich often comes up is their reluctance to support the president’s policies completely. So, the government programs are often neglected. In this case, the corperation between the government with some society’s complements is really needed to gain the maximal result
5.Positif effect of social departement’s strict control to financial aid the distribution for victims of volcanic eruption force government officials to socialize the social aid more equally and more maximally. So, this will become one of important factors for society’s better trust to the government. In fact, we often find many administrative frouds wich are done by irresponsible government officials. So, this can worsen society’s condition when  natural disaster happen. In short, society’s welfare will be better and can be gained maximally if the government has a good will wich must be realized through the government’s more responsible policies/measures.
6.Indonesian young generation’s moral character application and total control of their attitude which are combined with national aducation system should be based on ideologies and the nation’s future orientation, so various innovative solutions and approachable humanism systems to the problems which they face can caounter some negative effects which can finally eliminate thier nationalism spirit. But nowdays, our nation is having very serious chalange of some nationalism spirit decadences which can ironically threaten the existance and the united nation of indonesia.
Some negative influences such as wrong ideology, the destruction of the culture root, and the sigmatization of the nation symbol are new challanges for government officials and indonesian people.
7.Right eating habit is really not important factor to get health. It take metabolism system which works sinergy to gain energy and nutrition which are needed body, in other word, even though we have consumed food of nutritions if digestive disorder happens, nutrition which is needed by body will not be covered. Enzyme plays important role in metabolism system of this food to break food to be part of finner.
If the body lack of enzyme, the digestive process will have problem when food and nutrition are hardly absorbed.
8.Responsibility is one of the most important factors of someone who wants success more than failure. In his efforts, someone should give priority of what he firstly plans. This demands logical consequence of some important factors to gain maximal target which he wants such as great expectation, high motivation, real action, high discipline, stable consistence which will lead him to the point of whether he will be successful or ready to accept every failure by fighting again.
In conclusion, in his every success or failure, he will be much determined by his responsibility and for everyone, the higher his reponsiility is, the more opportunities he will get.
9.In entrepreneurship field, there are many serious factors which influence anyone of whether he will get success or not. Someone’s failure in business is much determined by some things such as too high ambition, careless calculation, lack of discipline, frequent despairs  in his early failure. In addition, when someone has gotten succes, his business suddenly falls into bankrupcy. This is usually caused by some factors such as undiscipline in to hold business which is much caused by some bad actions which are far from religious teaching. On the contrary, someone’s success in entrepreneurship field is only determined fully by a few factors such as doing the best for other people without getting expecting people’s appreciation, consistent dsicpline to what he is doing and stable loyality of God’s teachings.
10.Writting process in foriegn language which results in a very perfect language development skill must be begun with some important steps such as high motivation, gradual patience, stable discipline, and maximal effort in the process of long exercise. This can be impossibly gained by a learner who has low motivation. When he must face some obstacles  in learning a foriegn language, he should not stop his writting activity immediatly just because of his despair. So a foriegn-language learner must have high ambition to  be able to not only create a qualified work but also have foriegn standard. In this case, a learner’s individual skill is not enough but, foriegn teacher’s active role is really needed to gain the best target
Ada juga yang baru aku translite beberapa hari ini
Nothing benefit only cried last time wich isn’t really come back. Bad memories’ Falled will make ourselves more exhausted and weaker. Flow in black’s memories last time more and more will bring us to break. Many more important problems wich should be thought than expecting something is not true and really come back. Future !!! It is something wich must really prioritize to gain them.
No one wich can change your future become more beautiful except yourselves. Crying them which ever give you love in your life is stupid effort which should not do you. Expecting them which left you come back again is true bad-dreams.
Being good person is much more important than trying to reasonable with her/him and being Great person is more beautiful to interest people than you hold someone wich is not needed you.
Really stupid effort, if you can’t forget your bad memories just because of you left by your girlfriend or boyfriend. Useless, this will not be able to make his/him love never you again. And you know that your bad attitude has made many mistakes just because of crying his/her wich should not do you. Then, you failed in conquer your hard heart. There are some things which make you failed and you don’t know, such as :
The first, you didn’t move on your position while S/he was leaving you so far. What is this really stupid and useful ? You cry disappearance him/her but S/he never remember and care about you, never. You spent your time just memorize all memories with her/him while he/she was happy with other persons. Hopeless ?
The second, time left you when you can’t forget your beautiful memories. What this is useful ?Stationary or moving, Time will always Go. Time more and more will leave you, but you stay on. You should forgive all your mistakes and forget them. Why you can’t move on so that you forget yourselves, why, please tell me ?
The third, Your beautiful future you change with something less and less benefit, so Your time to be not useful. Never pray. Rarely study. Your problems as if very hard. Please, say what this is useful for your future ? No, all your actions are really not useful.
Keep fighting and give up friends. Everyone alwasy feels bad memories. The best solution is move on and forget all. Bersambung ...
Mungkin ini karya yang bisa aku berikan pada orang orang yang telah begitu banyak berjasa pada ku, terutama karya bahasa inggris. Dan aku akan terus berusaha mengejar mimpi-mimpi ku. thank so much Mr. Andrian, Mr. Abdul Aziz, Mr. Farid, Mr. Faiz, Mr. Reef, Mr. Mujib, Mis. Ratna, Mis Santi, and etc. kalian adalah pahlawan pahlawan ku dalam menaklukan bahasa inggirs ini. Wish me luck my beloved parents, families, and friends.


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