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saya adalah seorang pemimpi besar, penulis profesional (amin) yang punya ambisi besar mngilingi dunia dan membagikan goresan cerita keindahan Syurga Tuhan ke masyarakat luas melalui tulisan dan juga gambar. kegagalan atau kesalahan bukanlah sebuah kejahatan. mari membangun mimpi bersama saya.

Stationary or Moving, Time Will Always Go

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   09:31

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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

Nothing benefit only cried last time wich isn’t really come back. Bad memories’ Falled will make ourselves more exhausted and weaker. Flow in black’s memories last time more and more will bring us to break. Many more important problems wich should be thought than expecting something is not true and really come back. Future !!! It is something wich must really prioritize to gain them.
No one wich can change your future become more beautiful except yourselves. Crying them which ever give you love in your life is stupid effort which should not do you. Expecting them which left you come back again is true bad-dreams.

Being good person is much more important than trying to reasonable with her/him and being Great person is more beautiful to interest people than you hold someone wich is not needed you.

Really stupid effort, if you can’t forget your bad memories just because of you left by your girlfriend or boyfriend. Useless, this will not be able to make his/him love never you again. And you know that your bad attitude has made many mistakes just because of crying his/her wich should not do you. Then, you failed in conquer your hard heart. There are some things which make you failed and you don’t know, such as :

The first, you didn’t move on your position while S/he was leaving you so far. What is this really stupid and useful ? You cry disappearance him/her but S/he never remember and care about you, never. You spent your time just memorize all memories with her/him while he/she was happy with other persons. Hopeless ?

The second, time left you when you can’t forget your beautiful memories. What this is useful ?Stationary or moving, Time will always Go. Time more and more will leave you, but you stay on. You should forgive all your mistakes and forget them. Why you can’t move on so that you forget yourselves, why, please tell me ?

The third, Your beautiful future you change with something less and less benefit, so Your time to be not useful. Never pray. Rarely study. Your problems as if very hard. Please, say what this is useful for your future ? No, all your actions are really not useful.


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