The action-comedy movie "Red Notice" will premiere on Netflix on November 12, 2021. The plot of "Red Notice" centers on an Interpol agent, played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who is tasked with finding and apprehending Gal Gadot's character, the most sought art thief in the world. The burglar has taken priceless artwork from numerous prominent venues all over the world.
In the course of the chase, the agent is forced to work with Ryan Reynolds' expert and crafty art forger. To find the art thief and bring her to punishment, they come together in an odd and unforeseen alliance.
The movie is anticipated to be an exciting and amusing adventure, full of daring heists, international misadventures, and clever banter among the three endearing lead actors. Given that "Red Notice" is an unreleased movie, there might be other storyline twists and turns that aren't covered in this summary. As the release date draws closer, make sure to read the most recent information from reputable sources and reviews.
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