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Advantage and Disadvantage of Computer for Children

Diperbarui: 17 Januari 2017   18:52

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Media. Sumber ilustrasi: PIXABAY/Free-photos

Nowadays computer as part of human life and the people always use computer to work or to do their activity. Everyone can use computer especially children but there advantage and disadvantage of computer for children. The advantage of computer for children are can find new knowledge from computer, can find solution of their problem from computer and with computer they more know about knowledge. They also can be more creative so they can make something well. Computer is good for children because they can get many new things from them, computer can make the children’s brain will develop well because computer has many things that make them think more and more. Nowadays is modern world with high technology development the children should know about computer because computer is one of tool to work in their future.

Besides the advantage, computer has the disadvantage for children, they are:

  • Children can find many things about pornography, crime and other negative things.
  • Children will imitate negative things from computer as like violence and can practice it to their friend or other people.
  • If children always play computer they will be lazy to do their homework.
  • Children’s health will disturb especially children’s eye health because the radiation from computer can make their eye will be bad.
  • Computer can disturb their time and can disturb their interaction with their friend and their environment.

I think we as adult people or teacher should hold them how to use computer well and appropriate with their age so that the children can get many things from computer with the correct way.


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