Jusnita1, Adil Adi2
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo, Jl. Gen. Sudirman Km. 03, Binturu, Palopo City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia E-mail
Arabica Coffee is one of the Agribusiness commodities with high economic value for community in Enrekang district, South Sulawesi. To find out more about Arabica Coffee Agribusiness development strategy in Enrekang Regency so that rotation the economic value of the coffee commodity increases, so research is carried out with the following objectives:
(1). Examine what important factors are Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and threats to the development of Arabica coffee agribusiness in Enrekang Regency from the aspect external and internal, and
(2). Strategy for the development of Arabica coffee Agribusiness in Enrekang District. Information analysis consists of descriptive analysis and 3-step analysis strategy formulation. The analytical tool used to formulate a strategy is a matrix IFE, EFE Matrix. Based on the results of the analysis obtained, the priority strategies are Those selected are:
1. Strategy for Increasing Arabica Coffee Production and agribusiness with using the availability of land and skilled human resources. 2. Maintain excess coffee products as well ability to meet the growing demand for coffee enthusiasts
3. Optimizing processing of land for the development of coffee planting business through integrated activities agriculture and plantations as well as the need to obtain training in Agribusiness and development integrated Arabica coffee farming. 4. Make maximum use of excess resources (Man, Nature, Machine). Important Strategy Formulation for policy makers in the district Enrekang to support the development of the Arabica Coffee commodity and the welfare of farmers.
Keywords: Strategy, Agribusiness, Arabica Coffee, Enrekang