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Agatha Julia

Mahasiswi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Learn Technology from Underwater Dreams (2014)

Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2020   10:26

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Underwater dreams is a documentary film written, directed and produce by Mary Mazzio, and narrated by Michael Pena. This film is about story of how sons undocumented Mexican immigrants learn how to build underwater robots, and in the process they was successful defeat MIT engineering.

The story began from two of their teacher decide to enter their high school that actually has a tittle school where most of the student live in poverty into Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center's annual International ROV competition, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Marine Technology Society, NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and NASA. Only four boys that sign up to join the competition, the team was confident to head to the competition. But in the area competition they're see college teams in matching gear, with robots sponsored by the likes of Exxon Mobil. They're feeling bit overwhelmed, the robot leaked and sunk. The boys put their heads together and hilariously came up with a brilliant solution. After that the robot show how look amazing its in this competition.

From this film we know that technology are very important to our life, one of them is for education. As we know technology is a science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools. So based form this film, we must be able to adapt to technological development. Because it can help us to do things easier. Beside, as a student , we can explore our skills in technology may be through various technology competitions. This film also explains how the student's characters understand  the technology and use it.
Then, the another value from this film is a we should to foster a sense of optimism to achieve our goals. Nothing is impossible, if we want to try and never give up we'll get what we want.


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