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Juan Karnadi

Always Be Helping, Caring, and Loving


Diperbarui: 16 Oktober 2015   19:47

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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Since childhood, we have felt that life is really tough. We are used to being surged by pessimism due to such rough yet slippery circumstances. Consequently, we are always pretending to be gloomy that this country is beset for all the bad. We are lacking in ability to see opportunity, rebound, benefit, and so all the good. Rather, we are being daunted by obstacles and difficulties. We do only weep over them actually. That is hardship for us, literally in this country. And next?

Alright. Let’s remember again all the things we have undergone. Don’t we realize that we have already overcome all obstacles by putting great effort through them? We should ponder it with wisdom. Beforehand, we used to think that school was a frightening place. We always imagined about discouragement. As an instance, teacher would give punishment if we did any mistake. Moreover, the teacher sometimes would embarrass us as though we had done the wrongdoing. And it could affect our lives filled with diffidence. But it is not really frightening as we thought before. We get a lot of friends there. We befriend and support one another as well. We can even share all our own good for them, delight those in despair. That is the true charity; isn’t it?

Thus therefore does enable man to acquire endurance, so he can literally tough anything out. If we do not dare to bear hardship, how do we learn to take any lesson from anyone else, from the universe? But alas, we are accustomed to perceiving hardship as misery simply. Unawares, we actually let ourselves being led into jealousy, distrust, prejudice, and conflict. So, what then?

Take a look on Merry Riana as an exemplary. A very severe riot in 1998 forced her to leave Jakarta and study at Singapore. It was very unpleasant for her because she had to live in a plight that she had never wondered before. She lacked for money, food, house, and clothes too. Despite those all, she was determined to obtain financial independence before 30. It took through years and tears for her to achieve all she had been dreaming of. Her colleague belittled, laughed at, avoided, and even impeded her because of her incapability as a saleswoman at the beginning. But she kept going forth and put her effort to make her dream come true. She did not loathe her surroundings for what she had been through. Yet, she still intended to support and arouse everyone else even she was in distress. Then she made it. She finally settled her S$40000 debt and became famous due to her achievement to make her first million at the age of 26.

We often doubt that we can get through all those mentioned above without being sore. But we have to live through them with the courage to give more to, mend this whole wide world for all the better. And we are not to obstruct nor threaten anyone for his/her objective. Just journey this life. And we will find out that we are not the only ones that have been shouldering any burden for a long time. But we are used to seeing our rigors as a fatiguing path nonetheless. Here is a proverb from Jim Rohn that says, “If you really want to do something, you will find a way; if you don’t, you will find an excuse.” Literally, there are three kinds of people according to their way of thinking: falsely, basely, and light-heartedly. The mistaken people avoid themselves to do difficult task, let alone with pointless excuses as though there were no way to solve it, so they will play to lose. The base ones remain themselves not to carry out their function fully and they will play not to lose. Contrarily, the light-hearted people always look on the positive from what has already happened, show their gratitude for that. What they believe is: “There will always be a bright day like a heaven on earth.” Also, they are willing to widely share generosity to one another. They are the ones who play to win, put their effort to create the good vales of their own, and make things happen incredibly. Every day of their life is always filled with full steam.

Troubled? It does not last long ever, right? Recently, rupiah steeply strengthened against the dollar to just under Rp 13,500 / US$. Early, it used to reach over Rp 14,900 / US$ level. Besides, the flood in Jakarta has already decreased significantly during these last years. Although the people went briefly against displacement, the outcome was very well. Many regions were not flooded anymore. Still, the Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama intended to make Ciliwung river as the main water source at the capital city. Isn’t it good for all of us? So keep arousing optimism through hardship. Witness it with even-mindedness.

There is always a door in the wall. Hasn’t our nation already proved that it could go beyond the boundaries while in hardship? Well. We actually need to sacrifice, over and over again. Like what happens at East Kalimantan while infrastructure is being rebuilt, the many cannot fulfill such desire to luxuriate in resources. And it was more unresolved when B. J. Habibie started to build aviation over 30 years ago. But to put an end to pain, we must endure the hardship for the sake of this country’s sustainability. And despair will soon leave us as pain merges in gladness. So, it is high time we trusted one another, believed on this country’s capability. Because this country is established by those courageous people whom we all love to emulate. Let’s prove it!

October 13rd, 2015


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