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World's Biggest Problem

Diperbarui: 3 Desember 2023   22:27

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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Addressing the problem: Global warming

Global warming is defined as the heating of the earth's surface. It is caused by greenhouse gases trapping heat brought by the sun, warming the earth's surface, this is called the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases include, but are not limited to, Carbon dioxide(CO2), Methane(CH4), and nitrous oxide(N20), some minor greenhouse gases include Water vapor and Fluorinated gases. Greenhouse gases are a product of human activity, namely:

-Burning fossil fuels

 Power plants use fossil fuels to power combustion turbines or steam boilers, in turn

 produces electricity but also produces greenhouse gases as a waste product.


 Wood companies chop down trees for wood. But trees absorb CO2 and produce oxygen,

 so by chopping trees, not only do we worsen global warming, but also hinder long-term

 Oxygen production. Deforestation is especially problematic because most trees take around

 30 years to mature.

-Residential activity

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