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Jasmine Syifa

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Comparison of Indonesia's Creative Economy with Several Countries in ASEAN

Diperbarui: 26 November 2021   23:09

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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

From creative ideas and innovations to the realization of creative products and markets, the creative economy is born. Several restrictions have been put in place in Indonesia to protect the development of the creative economy. Apart from local or national restrictions, the creative economy has also been governed at a regional level, below ASEAN. As a regional organization, ASEAN is responsible for not just sociocultural, political, and security cooperation, but also economic collaboration. Globalization in the economy enhances interstate rivalry, particularly in large conventional industries, which results in a bigger number of jobless people. The situation, which is most prevalent in industrialized countries, results in weightless economic activity that generates great wealth, which is also politically acceptable.

From a defining standpoint, creative economy may be characterized as a series of economic activities that combine concept, creativity, and cultural production with the functions of mass manufacturing and cultural product commercialization. This sector is not only responsible for executing its own tasks, but also for generating revenue. When compared to ASEAN countries, especially Singapore, it is clearly still far behind. Because the creative industry is a sector that has not been developed for a long time in our country. Our country has just pioneered the creative industry sector in the reform era where human resources are only quite free to express themselves.

In Singapore, their creative industry focuses more on the architecture of surrounding buildings such as the example of the airport. Singapore airport has amazing architecture and can hardly be beat. Not only is Singapore's creative industry very advanced. Thailand has also built a Creative District to stimulate creativity in both the public and private sectors. The creative industry sector that Thailand focuses on is the cultural development section, where tourism and cultural areas are introduced abroad. Besides culture, they also develop in the textile and garments sector.

Increasingly, the creative sector of the Indonesian economy is increasingly visible in its development. And if perhaps the creative industry in our country is worthy enough to compete with Singapore, which incidentally is a developed country in ASEAN. Indonesia can further develop its creative economic sector because of the many human resources and their very creative and brilliant thoughts. This creative industry only needs to be supported by the local government as well as the local community who contribute to increasing the return on capital.

As creative industry players in Indonesia, we must be able to take advantage of existing government programs such as the Indonesian Economic Creative Agency where the program is to support Indonesian creative activities. We also must apply the mindset to advance the industry we are working on. we need to hone unique thinking, which is out of the box. We must dare to explore what is in this world to be implemented in the creative economy sector.


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