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Jasmin Athira


The Importance of Leading In a Multi-Generational Workplace

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2021   16:35

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

The work place is a chance for individuals to work with a diverse group of people The workplace is a chance for individuals to work with diverse people ranging from age, race, gender, religion, etc.

While it can be a great opportunity, entering the working environment where various generations, from Baby Boomers to Generation Z working side-by-side, has challenged many organizations to adapt to each generation. It is also a challenge for the employees themselves to work with someone unfamiliar.

Leading a multi-generational workplace can be a complex process due to the differences in age, time, and values. The chances of conflict arising in the workplace are never zero; therefore, it is crucial for the leaders to identify what kind of approaches or method is suitable for that working environment. It is their responsibility to lead the employees to reach the organization's goals and develop together as a person.

Based on their work era, we must acknowledge their priorities and preferences to understand their work dynamic further. For example,baby boomers prefer the method of communication of face-to-face and phone calls while millennials prefer through digitals such as instant messages and blogs.

One of many keys to having a healthy working environment is avoiding the stereotyping of each generation. These actions happen a lot on a day-to-day basis, especially in the workplace. People are often used to believing the general stereotypes that different generations have and their way of working. Stereotyping can be a source of conflict and low productivity that eventually leads to a toxic working environment; hence, eliminating this mindset is essential before moving on to the next step.

Stereotyping and identifying their fundamental principles are two different things. By understanding their motivation, target, values, and preferred method of communication, we can better visualize what they are like as a person; therefore, we know who we are working with and how to establish a good relationship with them. In some situations, many choose to disregard this part of diversity in the process with one's assumption.

The next most crucial part is establishing good communication by working together as a team, not individually. The leaders must acknowledge that there are differences in the workplace and be open and accepting with various communications that varied by the employees.

It can be frustrating to both the leader and employee to use the wrong style or type of communication; therefore, communication is vital. If we do not have the right way of communicating, it can lead to misinformation and give us a wrong impression that can affect future affairs. Using the right communication style with different generations, the leaders can start to figure out their fundamental principles and work ethic.

With accurate and adequate information on what the employees' goals are, the next step is to find the common grounds of those concepts and figure out the suitable methods or approaches that will be applied within the organization. In addition, with the known pattern, it builds their characteristics.

The Team Management approach could potentially yield the best result. The approach emphasizes organizational tasks and interpersonal relations, meaning that the leader can still reach the initial target while promoting a healthy work environment and relationship with the workers.

The approach can be done by conducting regular surveys and talking with employees to keep up with their values to be used to lead multiple generations. Combining the techniques with past experiences with certain generations could help recognize each generation's challenges and deal with uncertain situations. In a case where the leader is only familiar with a few generation's patterns compared to the others, the past knowledge can assist them in overcoming the issue.

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