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Resilience to Pornography: The Role of Campus or Parents?

Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2024   21:19

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Kesehatan. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Schantalao

Technological development is something that we cannot limit. More and more innovations are emerging due to the development of science and technology. One of them is a digital platform that provides all the things needed that can be accessed easily with a cellphone. Behind the positive side, there is a negative side that threatens the spread of pornographic content on digital platforms. Digital platforms become a medium for spreading pornographic content because of the ease of unlimited access and lack of supervision by the developer. This makes it easier for someone to access pornography, especially students who often use digital platforms. The negative impact of the spread of pornography is addiction which affects several aspects such as focus, achievement, and mental conditions such as depression and anxiety which disturb students during their studies. So from the negative effects caused, the author states the importance of building student resilience by the campus and parents to face the threat of pornography.

The embedding of moral values is the main foundation for student resilience in order to avoid the negative impact of pornography. Moral values are the main foundation for student resilience to avoid the negative impact of pornography. Pornography will change the way of behavior and morals of the audience. Student resilience can be strengthened by internalizing moral and spiritual values. This step begins with getting closer to the Creator (Azfaruddin et al., 2023). Students need to be trained to control themselves by sticking to religious values in order to avoid the negative impact of pornography. These values can be instilled by the campus because as an educational institution, community builders must carry out moral education (Bustari, 2008). The role of the campus is vital in the embedding of moral values in students with character education. Character education can form students who are religious, responsible, and honest. In addition, the campus can create self-control in the form of restraining lust, so that it can prevent the threat of pornography (Faridah, 2020).

Meanwhile, when moral values are embedded, students will be wise in social media. Wise use of social media is necessary to minimize the risk of exposure to pornographic content. The rapid development of technology has a positive impact, but if it is not used wisely, it will have a negative impact. Students must be taught to choose useful social media and valid information (Iswanto et al., 2021), also by utilizing the content filtering feature or blocking pornographic content on social media (Haryani & Susanti, 2018).

However, there is an opinion that the family has the main responsibility for student resilience and plays a major role. The family is the main base in their children's character education. The family is considered a close and effective party to socialize moral values (Ayyun & Malihah, 2018). However, in reality, most parents are busy with their affairs which leave it entirely to the institution. This is a gap for students to possibly not get enough support to build resilience. Without the role of the family, all character education programs become useless.


Ayyun, R. T. Q., & Malihah, E. (2018). Peran keluarga dalam upaya pencegahan adiksi pornografi pada anak usia sekolah dasar. SOSIETAS, 8(2).

Azfaruddin, M. F., Wahdati, R. A., Ridho, A., & Muallifah. (2023). Pengaruh religiusitas & student engagement terhadap kecenderungan mengakses pornografi pada santri. Madani: Jurnal Ilmiah Multidispline, 1(10), 586–595. 

Bustari, M. (2008). Pendidikan moral di perguruan tinggi melalui implementasi kontrak belajar dalam perkuliahan (suatu alternatif). Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan, 31–39.

Faridah, I. (2020). Pendidikan karakter dalam upaya mengantisipasi maraknya seks bebas di kalangan pelajar sma sudirman bruno purworejo. Madinah: Jurnal Studi Islam, 7, 178–185. 

Haryani, P., & Susanti, E. (2018). Sosialisasi internet sehat sebagai upaya pencegahan penggunaan konten pornografi di internet bagi pemuda pemudi gedongkuning, tegaltandan, banguntapan, bantul. Jurnal Gaung Informatika, 11(1), 43–54. 

Iswanto, H. F., Anggraeni, R., Kartikasari, R., Bahij, A. T. B., & Kadarwati, S. (2021). Pelatihan bijak bermedia sosial sebagai upaya pendidikan karakter pada remaja. Jurnal Abdimas, 25(2), 197–206. 

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