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Ismi Durrotul Mamluah

Mahasiswi IAIN Jember

The Differences in Science, Philosophy, and Religion

Diperbarui: 18 Desember 2019   09:43

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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

Differences in science, philosophy and religion

A. Position of Science, Philosophy, and Religion

1) Philosophy

Etymologically (the origin of the word) philosophy comes from the Greek words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom).

Broadly speaking, philosophy is the science that underlies a concept of human thinking in earnest to find a truth that is then used as a view of life.

2) Knowledge

Knowledge that has been systematically compiled to obtain a truth. Science is certain, exact, organized and real.

3) Religion

Religion according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is a system that regulates the order of faith (belief) and worship of God Almighty and rules that relate to the association of humans and humans and their environment.

B. The Difference between Philosophy, Science and Religion

Philosophy is the mother of knowledge. Philosophy promotes rationality. science is based on reason through experience and the senses, and philosophy is based on the authority of pure reason freely in the investigation of reality and experience mainly related to human life. While religion is based on the authority of revelation. Science and philosophy, both of them began to not believe. While religion starts with an attitude of trust and faith.


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