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Blood Donation in Indonesia Needs More Promotions

Diperbarui: 24 Oktober 2017   14:12

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The fact that one in three Indonesians needing blood donation in their lifetime is a problem to fix.  Indonesia requires no less than 50,000 blood donations weekly ; however, it can only produce around 50 percent of the demand. The government should enhance and help promoting the national blood donation program to fulfill the shortages.

The main supplier of blood donation in this country is voluntary blood donors, others are taken from families, friends, or even on paid donations. Another bitter data is the accessibility of a safe and adequate blood recently only one in 200 who donate. Unequal distribution of blood supply is the next problem as Jakarta as the the capital city of this country,  according to the Health Ministry in 2014, got 60 percent allocation while other 33 provinces got the rest.

Voluntary blood donors have been the heroes so far because they own commitment to help others either for their social responsibility or their generous personality. They have donated 80 percent of the supply according to Indonesian Red Cross (IRC). The self-awareness of the blood donors is the key of good promotion as both the donors and recepients have gotten mutual benefits.

On the contrary many still concern with the blood-donation-practices like afraidness of needless and risk of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) contamination. These misleading perceptions have proved the blood donation activity cannot perform itself and needs support actively from stake holders as community organizations and professional societies have carried out. 

Those partnerships are ideal for this country to help promoting the blood donations not only as social events but win-win activities also. The community could be one of the pioneers addressing public the advantages and benefits of the activity following the reality the country requires more voluntary blood donors.  Indonesia may follow what UAE (The United Arab Emirates) has implemented which started their zero voluntary donors in 1990 to 97,6 percent in 2006.

By working closely with influencing medias and various communities, those who concerned can reach a large numbers of people and strengthen the commitment to help raising the voluntary blood donations' participants.

Last but the least, the regular blood donation is very essential to held that the involvement of those stokeholders is emphasized like having a-6-month-gathering activity. Through the reqular event, promoting voluntary blood donor is more effective as an arena of personal satisfication and self-pride than as a merely social "meet and greet" party.

We really appreciate for the local blood donors who have saved millions of lives; In order to support the honorable activity,the association of SMAN 45 alumni graduated in 1984 (Iluni 84) , will have a blood donor activity in November 18, 2017 by inviting all alumni of this senior high school graduated from all classes from 1980s to 2000s  to participate. By bringing the theme : Setetes Darah , Sejuta Kehidupan (Your Blood Saves Millions of Lives), we hope the activity could help saving other millions. See you there friends.  Donor Darah Lintas Angkatan SMAN 45 -- Menyehatkan dan GW banget!

Tears of a mother cannot save her Child. But your Blood can

Ref : Some sources


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