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Factors Behind The Emergence of Transnational Crimes -Terrorism

Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015   22:49

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For more than decades, United States of America has been trying to reform the infrastructures after two commercial planes crashed into World Trade Center (WTC) building. It was a shocking taught when United States of America covered with blue sky on Tuesday September 11, 2001. The American airlines flight number 11 and flight number 77 which were hijacked by al-Qaeda members crashed into World Trade Center and Pentagon as two icon of United States of America’s power.

Based on September 11th attacks, suspicion fell on radical Sunni Islamist group, al-Qaeda founded in 1988 by Osama Bin Laden. Born as Arab’s descent along with recent attack before September 11th. One of the various attacks that were waged by al-Qaeda was on October 12, 2001. Al-Qaeda directed attacks on USS Cole in port of Aden, Yemen, killed 17 US Navy Army and 39 were injured. Al-Qaeda has become a symbol of transnational terrorism since 1993 and al-Qaeda’ leader became the most wanted fugitive of United States after September 11th attacks.

There are two possibilities based on September 11th attacks. A new model of terrorist attacks which involved hijacker in commercial airplanes, and crashed deliberately into United States’ power icon. Then possibilities of conspiracy made by United States itself to widespread their Western ideology into East worldwide, either to control massive oil’ content in the East.

This essay will give an explanation about factors behind the emergence of transnational crimes, which consists of definition of terrorism, conspiracy, and also conclusion at last. The method will be used in this essay is descriptive essay.

Before going into the main issue of this topic, the definition of terrorism must be defined. The essence of terrorism is terror, devastatingly effective tools of terror was not only loss of life and property damage these attack caused, but the way they have changed the face of society. People may have temporary insecure of their human security and wellbeing. Then, the definition of conspiracy is referring to a source text (Victoria Bull (2008) argues that is a secret plan with other people or group to do something harmful or illegal).

The notion of al-Qaeda as non-state actor was established because of various factors involved. Furthermore, the author will elaborate those factors below.

The rise of non-state actor

We’ve learned that vast oceans no longer protect us from the danger of a global era. This government has a responsibility to confront this threat of terror whenever it is found. And that is why we’re taking the battle to America’ enemies…

-President George W. Bush-

The statement above has shown how George W. Bush consciousness as the president of United States of America about a new threats from global era, which is not depicted as cold war between United States and its allies against Soviet Union. During the cold war, the world was divided into two super power states actor in global systems, which are United States and Soviet Union.

Basically in globalization era, politics has been transforming from international politics to global politics. The most significant change includes the new actors on world stage. Afterwards, while the Cold War was over, the United States continues to face a new threat from al-Qaeda (emergence as non-state actor). It seems that the emergence of transnational crimes as non-state actor gives a significant implication in global era.

Nowadays, it seems as the state is facing a war that encompasses all aspects of our life (including national security, political, and also economic). Transformation from international politics became global politics explains that the war is not merely between states, but more specifically the rise of new actor (non-state actor) take a significant role, which is Transnational Crimes. The terms “transnational” has become pandemic in international security. Al-Qaeda has widespread their networking into most of Middle East states and also in Asia. What has happened in New York and Pentagon indicating that terrorist network became a new threat in global system.

The notion of global terrorism has given consequences in international community. The emergence of al-Qaeda as a symbol of terrorism has triggered America’ war on terrorism, and constrained United States to prevent the Americans from terrorist threats. For strong evidences that on May 1st 2011, Osama bin Laden killed by US Navy SEAL team unit in Pakistan. It marks a significant achievement of counter and eradicating global terrorism.

Furthermore, United States has made dynamic and important foreign policy to war against terrorism. It was established of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after September 11th has implemented to eradicate terrorist’ network on worldwide level. DHS also works with international organization such as World Customs Organization (WCO), and International Maritime Organization (IMO), as a result it provides all the information about terrorism from those close relations between international organizations.

Afterwards, whenever al-Qaeda spread their influences in most Middle East countries and also in Asia (Indonesia), which has majority of Muslim peoples, United States has introduced their foreign policy in combating terrorism issue, “A Global War on Terrorism Policy”. This policy is affecting other states such as Indonesia in order to eradicate terrorism in its territory. United States provided operational assistance to finance Densus 88 antiterrorism unit to combat terrorism in Indonesia. Those above are the emergence of non-state actor has been considered as first priority of national security.

Factor behind the emergence of transnational actor

September 11th called “War on terror” that could be seen as the evidence of emerging struggle between West and Islam. The origins of global terrorism lie in arguably irreconcilable between ideas and values of Western liberal democracy and those Islam. Christian with liberal democracy has been dominating in Western region and Islamic in the counterpart which is this extremist militant group has aimed to creating Islam state-nation.

Thereafter, United States still believes that democracy as a guarantee of peace, it has never been war between democratic states. United States has been trying to democratize most states (Islam and Eastern ideology) in Middle East, which is probably difficult to be implemented. Based on Islam values, most states in Middle East could not admit with liberal ideology from the West, and has perceived that liberal ideology from the West is liberty without any rules. Liberal ideologies from the West are identical with the free trade system, corruption, and other that give economical implications to the people in grassroots level. It depicts as Islam is still upholding their values and norms.

Likewise, there are human being issues related (Political and Economical issues). Political instability has been evolving into rebellion in Middle Eastern regions. United States has spread democracy and forced most states in Middle Eastern area (that was lead by authoritarian leaders) to transform from authoritarian state to become a democratic state. And also most of authoritarian states (such as Iraq lead by Saddam Hussein), its government could not admit with democracy to maintain his authority. It also triggers insurgency circumstances between government and opposition forces.

Furthermore, Iraq has a strategic geopolitical structure between Persian Gulf. United States’ decision to invading Iraq has become a logical reason. The September 11th attacks has given ramifications into Afghanistan on 2001 and Iraq war on March 2003. United States has claimed that al-Qaeda guilty of the attacks. However Washington D.C. also linked Iraq’ leader (Saddam Hussein) with Osama bin Laden related in 9/11 attacks. President George W. Bush branded Iraq and its allies as part of an “axis of evil.”

The reasons of expansion by United States and its allies in Middle East have been the subjects of much debate and also speculation. The attacks in Middle East (include both Afghanistan and Iraq) instead of seeking to conquer against global terrorism (al-Qaeda) but also acquire control over resources. As we known in Middle East regions has massive oil content. It clearly possible whenever United States has been considering about al-Qaeda’ existence in Middle Eastern, and there has been a justification to invade suspected states such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is necessary to consider other factors beside religion, ideology, and political. One of those is economic issue that could not be separated from liberal ideology. Whenever one state desires to be democratized, there is much funds needed by people until grass-roots level. And states in authoritarian government have unevenly distribution of human being needed (including economy). It seems people still live in injustice both of political and economy. However, United States has been trying to push unprepared states to be democratized, it will trigger into insurgency. The extremist followers will easily to spread anti-America’ doctrine to rebels and war against Americans. It has been considering as the reasons of the rapid growth of global terrorism as non-state actor in global era.


To sum up those factors related to September 11th attacks, the author argues that the rapid growth of transnational crimes (in this matter al-Qaeda) as the symbol of terrorism could be seen as clash of two ideologies between the West and the East. There are also various factors that have patterns involved within security, economic, and political.

After September 11th attacks, United States was established Department of Homeland Security to prevent Americans from terrorist attacks. It seems as significant decision made by Bush administration to war against global terrorism.

The factors behind the emergence of transnational crime (al-Qaeda) can be elaborated as ideological widespread from Western into Eastern regions (Muslim majority) that could not admit with liberal ideology, which is perceived as liberty without any rules.

Economic factor within people welfare that perceives United States as another kind of terrorism (capitalism, corruption, and other) and political expansions led by United States in Middle Eastern related to their best ideology. They claim that democracy has become the best way towards life without war. Because as we explained above, democracy states will not led their states into war against another democracy states.

Reference List

Bully, Victoria. Oxord Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, (4th edn), Oxord University Press, Jericho, 2008.

Verton, Dan. Black Ice : The Invisible Threat of Cyber-Terrorism. McGraw-Hill/Osborne, 2003.

Heywood, Andrew. Global Politics. Palgrave Foundation, UK, 2011.


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