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Amilia I. Sumaryo

Content Writer, Author Anthology Books, Digital Marketer

Dear Daddy

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   06:31

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Since I was born in this world
I surrounded by lots of love
not only from my mother but I got from my father

I easily recognize his figure
even though the distance meters
Until I got older still have more affection
Attention not just saying hello or else
also not ask me what are you doing, babe
but also waited until late at night when I’m traveling

There’s many things i remembered about him
one of the most i catch are patience and sincere
I feel an atmosphere in my soul
that I was surrounded by these two things
and I started in depth

I realized there is so many shortcomings
has yet to make him proud
I realize I am not a clever woman
but to be a good woman and helping people i have met

Thank you, dad


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