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''Journo of Decemba''

Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2017   08:50

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Journo of Decemba

Indigo Naufal

A December will always be a December. It is raining smoothly that seldom, we, as the people of this universe, love it so much. --- A guy named opal, he often had a frequent question on his mind, did people, sometimes, experiencing a rare process of thinking, that in life, are they looking at some detail to be perceived in a good way of thinking. Such, believing that the life yesterday is what makes the life of today. So engraving.

Enough bubbling.

Yesterday, I and Bernie were going to a place that he had me to come. I was accompanying him coming to an indoor basketball field out of nowhere in Bandung city. Several hours later, Bernie had an accident while playing basketball. Now, let me stop there.


6 days ago.

I miss coming to Bahusda, it's been several weeks I didn't come to bahusda since those cynical exams in my uni. --- That afternoon, something sounds so devastating, it crooked my ears and split my head, off to the ground. It is a house building project nearby my neighborhood area. I was trying to do my holiday writing duty but I can't.

The next minute I found myself being in the center of the town, listening to fourplay music while riding my motorcycle. Nothing compare how a band called fourplay, plays their rhythmic musical instrument and impress people so much. --- I remember I am entering a luxurious residential living in Setiabudhi street, it's called budi asih,

While I'm trying to avoid the city main roads traffic jams by entering that residence, I found myself being questioned by their security officer asking me who the hell am I and trying to know what kind of purpose I am by coming to their place. I got it, its their responsibility, asking stranger, being aware of all time.

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