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The Creativity

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   18:59

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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

do you know something?

why poeple western much expert in the field?
dont say because they are more smart than us

You will realize where their deficiencies lie

"imagination more than important than knowladge"

remember this quote
not a few of them to take this qoute
the priority of them is use freedom mind stronger looking for ideas
but it is not my point

let me telling you something

is that something wrong

dont force your brains to get ideas
because you didnt see that ideas is around you
you will know the defferent result both of them
when you forces to get ideas?
and when you see ideas is around you?

we not aware that they are much focused of wrong
you have to work hard to get your thinking
but is not problem

just one think

everyone is born to be creative
dont worry about it
trust me

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