Ant-man and the wasp is a American superhero film based on the Marvel comic. Produced by Marvel studios and distributed by Walt Disney studios, it is the sequel from film Ant-man (2015). The film is directed by Peyton reed and produced by Kevin piege. Ant-man and the Wasp had the world premiere in Hollywood on June 25, 2018, and was released on July 6, 2018, in the United States in IMAX and 3D.
The film get critical praise for the levity, humor, and performances of the cast. As we know this film get good response from the movie lover around the world, why? Because this film is get 7,1/10 based on IMDb. That was a good reason why this film is a good superhero film, from the side of income this film get a lot benefit in all theaters around the world until $ 622,7 million .
With genre superhero this film are show us many good action with epic cinematography such us when Scott, the main actor become a big giant human with his costume and when he become small until he can ride the ant. This film is show us smooth and amazing picture that create with modern technology. And the music was very well with good acting by the actor and the actress. And this film give us a good moral value to us such as "family is very important" and sacrifice.
The movie is very recommended for people that love action and epic film.
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