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Dreaming My Dream

Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:36

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

Today I am free...

I have accomplished my mission & feel on top of d world...

I will enjoy d experience to its fullest..

My job is done,

my dream fulfilled,

and I have them eating out of my hands.

Accept and embrace d journey taken.

It has served great purpose in my growing wiser and stronger,

and has provided a sense of relief in that now it's complete..

my brain should be helping me to see things differently today...

so make d most of this fresh perspective!

I am almost certain to hit it off with someone nu,

and almost anything could come of it...

now it's time to focus on being a better partner...

Work towards being a person sweetie can rely on,

no matter what happens

Money is as worrisome as d work crunch,

but won't let it crush my streak & cripple my effectiveness..

d almighty dollar may cross me up,

but it's my choice to crouch, cringe or create...

won't let cash dictate my life....


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