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Hendra Jawanai

Creative Director/Producer/Writer

A Short Poem: Berguna untuk Sesama

Diperbarui: 18 April 2023   02:18

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(Gambar oleh Joseph Redfield Nino dari Pixabay)

migunani tumraping liyan

be beneficial, do good for others,
spread love, be a helping hand
from the heart, offer your service,
to make a better world, take a stand

offer a smile, show some kindness,
lend an ear, be a friend
give a gift, show some generosity,
these simple things, can help to mend

the world can be tough, we all know,
but with compassion, we can shine
together we can make a difference,
with every act, we can redefine

so let's be beneficial, let's do our part,
to make the world a better place
with love, kindness, and generosity,
we can create a brighter space

let's spread the word, let's inspire,
let's show others what we can do
together we can make a difference,
and bring hope to me and you

Baca juga:
A Short Poem: Labuan Bajo

Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, 18 April 2023
#dailyinsomnia - berguna untuk sesama

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