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PKM Universitas Sutomo Together with SMK Negeri 2 Cities of Serang

Diperbarui: 15 Juli 2023   14:19

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Mr. Bambang Permadi during Presentation

Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) is an activity that aims to assist the community in several activities with the aim of raising the standard of living in society. On Saturday, April 1, 2023, Sutomo University, through the Management Study Program Lecturer in collaboration with Serang City State Vocational School 2, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) with the theme Business, Economy, and Organization.

 In the event, the Management Study Program at Sutomo University was represented into 3 groups, where group 1 consisted of Mr. Bambang Permadi, Mr. Suryono and Mr. Harry Triana, Group 2 consists of Mr. Yofi, Mr. Anip Solihin, Mr. Septian Aris Munandar and Mrs. Fanny Adinda Putri then group 3 consisted of Mr. Indar Riyanto, Teguh Kurniyanto, Mr. Febby Febriana and Mrs. Sela Novitasari and assisted by fellow students from management study programs, namely: Rifa HIdayat, Putri Sugi A., Nurul Muslimawati, Asep Wijaya and Ardiaz.

SMK Negeri 2 Kota Serang is a state vocational high school in the city of Serang, Banten, which is located in Jl. K.H. Abdul Fatah Hasan No. 89 Cipare Kec. Serang, City of Serang, Banten. The majors in SMK Negeri 2 Serang City include the following :

● Stone and Concrete Construction Engineering

● Building Drawing Engineering

● Electrical Installation Engineering

● Machining Engineering

● Welding Technique

● Mechanical Drawing Engineering

● Technical light vehicle

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