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A Positive Outcome of The Covid-19: Enhancing My Marketing Skill

Diperbarui: 27 September 2023   05:41

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS

During the COVID-19 pandemic, my learning journey took an unexpected turn. It all began in 2021 when I was in my second year of high school. As I moved up a grade, I started to feel a sense of boredom settling in. Little did I know that the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead would change my perspective on education.

As the world grappled with the pandemic, the education landscape shifted dramatically. I found myself adapting to online learning platforms provided by my school. While they were convenient, they came with their fair share of challenges, like occasional lags and connectivity issues. Nonetheless, I persisted.

 In addition to my studies, I continued my reselling business, which provided a much-needed boost to my pocket money. It was a small but significant source of income during these uncertain times. Upon graduating from high school, I faced the disappointment of not getting into the university I had dreamed of. Determined not to let this setback define my future, I decided to explore other paths. In 2022, I embarked on a new venture, selling popsicles and children's snacks. This allowed me to stay productive while I prepared to try my luck again in the university entrance exams.

In short, the COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on me because I had more time to improve my marketing skills.


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