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ASEAN Farmers' Organisation Support Programme

"Regional Disparity and It's Context"

Diperbarui: 16 Agustus 2018   14:46

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Photo credit: ASEAN Foundation

INSPIRE PLENARY: High-Level Talkshow

The Governor of East Java, Dr. H. Soekarwo, explained about a project in East Java region supported by the central government, local governments and the business entities that are called the KPBU SPAM Umbulan Project. 

This project utilizes the Sumber Umbulan water into drinking water which is going to fulfill the needs of clean water for its citizen that is going to be operated in 2019.

A Regent from Kulon Progo, a part of DIY, Mr. Hasto Wardoyo said in his presentation that the local economy should be independent in order to reduce disparity, for example, PAM Tirta Binangun has launched local brand for its mineral water named "Air Ku" and the production of local tea named "Teh Wangi Suroloyo". 

The effort to reduce the disparity also has to be supported by the mindset of its citizen that needed to be reformed, the infrastructure development from hospital to the international airport and the development of the tourism sector.

The local governments play an important role to help their own villages to develop so that it will help the central government to solve the national disparity. Some projects are made in order to fulfill the needs of the citizen. 

The local government also see that the mindset and the mental of the citizen should be transformed into a modern mindset so the development of the villages can be realized. Through that, we can see examples for some regions that the local government encourage the citizen to be innovative.

INSPIRE PLENARY: Regional Disparity and Its Context

A presentation delivered by Mr. Prof. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro as the Minister for National Development Planning and Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) showed that there are human development's disparities for some regions in Indonesia, seeing that in 2017 the IPM (Indeks Pembangunan Manusia) of DKI Jakarta has the highest IPM in 80.00 however Papua is the lowest in less than 60.00. 

Seeing from another indicator, Sulawesi region is the region in Indonesia that has the highest economic growth even higher than the national growth. So, Sulawesi can be a model in acceleration and equity in development for other regions. 

These indirectly will give impact to the urbanisation level, that is why the government will anticipate it by directing the development of each region by focusing on several sectors, Papua region will be focus on development in food and natural resources sectors; Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku on international tourism an fishery sectors; Sulawesi will be focus on Food Industry and Gerbang KTI (Kawasan Timur Indonesia); Kalimantan on processing industry and national energy barn; Java on trade and services sector and; Sumatera on new industry sector and Gerbang Kawasan Asia. In short, the disparities between regions can be solved by equitable infrastructure development.

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