Nasib Kerajinan Tradisional Tudung Saji "Serumpun Sebalai" di Era Modern ini
Regional art is an art form that reflects a custom or culture found in a region. Regional arts also shape the character of the community. One of the regions that has diverse artwork is Bangka Belitung.
Bangka Belitung has a variety of arts, one of which is the serving hood craft "Serumpun Sebalai". Tudung saji "Serumpun Sebalai" is usually used in certain celebrations. However, there are also some challenges that exist in this art.
Technological advances have had some impact on society. This research is intended to analyze how the state of regional arts, especially the tudung saji craft "Serumpun Sebalai" in today's modern era.
The results of this research are expected to be a forum to show the potential that exists in regional arts and increase public interest in regional arts in their respective places.
Keywords: Regional Art; Bangka Belitung; Tudung Saji Serumpun Sebalai; Challenges
Kesenian daerah adalah sebuah bentuk seni yang mecerminkan suatu adat istiadat atau kebudayaan yang terdapat di suatu daerah. Kesenian daerah juga yang membentuk karakter masyarakat. Salah satu daerah yang memiliki karya seni yang beragam adalah Bangka Belitung.
Bangka Belitung memiliki berbagai macam kesenian, salah satunya adalah kerajinan tudung saji serumpun sebalai. Tudung saji serumpun sebalai biasanya digunakan dalam perayaan-perayaan tertentu. Namun, terdapat pula beberapa tantangan yang ada di kesenian ini.