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Artikel Bahasa Inggris Ga Laku di Kompasiana?

Diperbarui: 23 November 2015   19:38

Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

[caption caption="Writing in English - illustration:"][/caption]Since Kompasiana has become the distinguished citizen portal, all eyes are on Kompasianers. Kompasianers, or the member of Kompasiana are commonly regarded as writer. Though I wouldn't dare to call myself as one, 600 or so articles I have posted here in Kompasiana. Few, as I can recall, are written in english language. Few of my English articles have some votes and comments. Not to forget, 100 or so hits had also directed to my articles. Few also had been deliberately chosen as highlights and headlines. But still, not so many hits and votes 'decorated' my English articles.

So why such phenomenon happen? English articles are quite exquisite in their own structure and message. Once I publish my article in English with its English title, many seem to 'evade'. Many would prefer to choose article in Bahasa Indonesia. Nope, nothing is wrong in choosing article in our mother tongue. And I would not say that English article is better than Bahasa Indonesia.

Or it may pop in your mind that I am 'more educated' because can actually write in English. Nope. Neither of any suppositions I have mentioned come up in my mind. However, reading English or article in English could actually boost Kompasianers language ability. And for Kompasiana, it will seem 'comfortable' for abroad visitors to read articles in English. 

Actually, I firmy sure many Kompasianers can actually write English article. But they prefer not to do so. Not that they do not want to do so. It can be that they feel uncertain and hesitant whether their English aritcle will convey 'the message'. For me, even there are no hits, vote or comments writing English article is one thing I'm excited to do. As I also seem to mingle myself in English literacy, writing in English seem to inevitable. But for some Kompasianers, I know that even reading English is a hardship. Though they may understand the message, but seem to be confounded. 

Thus, there are two main reasons why writing English article in Kompasiana is not 'that popular.' First, it's not the way we say English here. There is a sole belief that culture is embedded in a language. When you utter Bahasa Indonesia, the culture, traits, accents, vocabulary and 'feeling' go within what you say. And this occurs in English as well. The 'feeling' of English should be apparent.

As I have actually learn and surround myself inEnglish everyday, I can tell a certain feeling that a writing has no English. Particularly writings made by my students who have actually Google-translate them. The more you engage yourself in a English literary world, the better you feel the 'soul' of a piece of English writing. So, translated text from Bahasa Indonesia to English is not 'that good'. Unfortunately, yes it is. A resemblance of the culture with its native speaker and literary tradition spruce up a piece of writing.

Second reason is of course English article is unpopular in term of readers and contemporary event. But the later reason may seem vague for me. As I had actually wrote an English article discussing recent news, the article have less hits. See my article A Disappointing Nation Led by Slef-Govern Oligarchy. In the article I wrote about Jokowi and conspicary issue surrounding him. There were less than 100 hits. Even when the title I also embed Jokowi name. See my article Jokowi on Highlight, Jokowi on High Tide. But rather general topic and probably chosen as highlighted article by the admin, do bring many hits. My article such as Mind the Talk, Talk the Mind had as high as 278 hits. Or my headline article English What is Actually Writing? got many hits, votes and comments. Although these articles may not exceed 1,000 hits, but I can actually say that these articles are less popular. 

Bye and large, writing in English in Kompasiana is still unique. By definition of its writer and content, writing English article in Kompasiana will bring both writer and reader to better understanding. That is, Kompasiana will also beneficial for its ability to sort out writer capable in writing English. Further, to gather attention from reader of English native.


Solo, November 23 2015

04: 52 pm

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