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Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day is A Symbolic of A Utopian Sadness

Diperbarui: 28 Desember 2023   22:28

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Song always had a meaning behind its every lyric. Song are used to describe feeling and emotion. Sometimes song capture the connotative of something, lyric behind song never really had literal meaning they seem to be always in non-literal of giving its nature of meaning and message. But sometimes it can interpreted because of its message are metaphorically meaning, or overall theme and mood as such giving it more of its direct literal interpretation.

Nevertheless Boulevard Of Broken Dreams are one of those song who had a connotatively meaning to its lyric. the song is generally telling about a man with lost purpose because of its unsuccessful dreams and man had to live with great lost sense of purpose and feeling of failure and loneliness. 

That is something straight out of our reality where dream meant to be achieve not to be broken. When dream is broken, we sometimes felt like our life is coming to an end and we don't know how to deal with our own failure. but that's what reality is, we lived in the society where winners get everything and loser don't . Then the loser or this instance the one with broken dream, they keep walk in a line that only known to those who failed to achieve its dream or known only to had broken dream that is "Boulevard Of Broken Dreams" hence the title of the song.

Like the song said' "I walk a lonely road" The only one that I have ever known" Don't know where it goes But it's home to me, and I walk alone" that is an symbolic way of telling "I am a failure", "I've nothing to else to my life", "and I guess I had to deal with the fact that my dream is broken and I don't know where I am go". with that per se it seem that man with broken dreams or the other word failure are living in the utopian sadness where can actually cope with its sadness but life goes on so man had to keep walk in the line.

In the song is also implied that "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me". "My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating". "Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me". "'til then, I walk alone". metaphorically speaking that mean that man with broken dream live with such a great sadness and feeling unworthy of everything or anyone hence they seek solitude or maybe it could a symbolic way of saying someone with broken dream often feeling lonely and suffer is loneliness so that makes them lived in utopian sadness as the world goes on man with broken dream only hope man find someone who actually cared or someone who can share word about how painful life can be.

Failure often lead man to painful state of life. But as the life goes on man try to cope or lived with grief and regrets. often they suffer with loneliness because man has nobody talked to, no one cares, and no one support them either. But as much as the pain are man had to continue to walked in line because life has to go on and deal with all the pain of failure and sense of purposeless life with that said then man will lived in the utopian sadness. 

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