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Losing is Basically Loving

Diperbarui: 18 November 2016   13:19

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Written by: Giasinta

They said pregnancy is a gift. And babies are miracle. 

I fail in finding the meaning of these two terms, until one day Good took me to a place where I can taste both heaven and hell. 

Where I can be the most happiest women on earth and the saddest at the same time. 

I guess the feeling of every woman when finding herself pregnant would be the same in the entire world. 

Having a baby of the man she loves would be the most beautiful feeling in the world. 

So I guess its true, pregnancy might be the best gift God could ever give to female human being. 

Never thought before that pain could be this sore, that pang of anguish can actually take you to hell. 

Never thought that losing can be so unbearably painful. The kind of losing that is not only aim the heart, it kills the entire source of happiness. 

And just when I thought there is nothing left to feel, I was lucky enough to realize that faith will never leave us behind. It stayed there, on the corner of our heart, waiting for us to see it. 

Just like the story we learned about Pandora. When she opened the box, obstacles and awful things flew out. And yet, one little thing called "hope" left in the box. In the Pandora box.

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