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Jokowi: Moyes atau Van Gaal?

Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   08:24

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Politik. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

Bulan April tahun lalu menjadi bulan menyakitkan bagi Moyes. Setelah Manchester United terseok-seok dan dihajar rival sekotanya, akhirnya ia dipecat. "The Riper" sang pencabut nyawa yang menhantuinya di Old Trafford, akhirnya benar-benar datang and menancapkan paku terakhirnya di peti mati Moyes! Sebaliknya bagi Van Gaal, bulan April ini adalah bulan baiknya! United yang terseok-seok meski sudah diglontor uang miliaran dan pemain-pemain top sudah merumput sejak awal musim, akhirnya menemukan bentuk permainannya. Mirip dengan dua pelatih United tersebut, Jokowi terseok seok mengawali masa pemerintahannya! Blunder-blunder besar telah dilakukan oleh presiden yang sedang belajar ini dan nasibnya bleum pasti, apakah akan seperti Moyes atau Van Gaal!

The Jakarta Post mencatat blunder dan kebijakan "flip-flop" Jokowi di awal pemerintahannya. Sekurang-kurangnya ada enam kebijakan yang prematur yang dicatat harian berbahasa Inggris ini:

1. Hotel ban policy. In November last year, the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Ministry issued a circular prohibiting government bodies from conducting events and meetings in hotels. On April 1, the ministry revoked the circular and issued a new regulation relaxing the ban.

2. Visa-free policy. On March 16, the government announced it would waive visa requirements for 30 countries as early as April to boost the country’s foreign exchange income from tourism. Several days later, the policy was scrapped after senior officials warned the policy would violate the Immigration Law unless it was made on a reciprocal basis.

3. Website censorship. Responding to a public outcry accusing the government of infringing on freedom of speech, the Communications and Information Ministry reopened access to 22 websites the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) had condemned for promoting radicalism. The ministry had blocked the websites the previous day.

4. Car allowances. Jokowi scraps recently signed presidential regulation for a rise in car-purchase allowances for top officials and legislators. He claimed in his defense that he did not fully read the draft regulation before signing it.

5. Cilacap power plant. The government announced in November it would build a 5,000-megawatt power plant in Cilacap, Central Java, as part of the new government’s ambitious program to add at least 35,000 MW of capacity. The plan was put on hold as the cost to ship coal to the plant was deemed uneconomical.

6. Executions of drugs convicts. The government had announced it would carry out the second batch of executions of death row inmates in February. The executions have been postponed several times, and officials are unsure whether they will ever be carried out. - See more at:

Melihat fatalnya blunder-blunder itu, seharusnya Jokowi sudah banyak belajar soal kehati-hatian dan prioritas kebijakan. Tentu di antara blunder-blunder itu ada banyak harapan seperti kebijakan di bidang kelauatan dan perhubungan. Banyak orang masih optimis, Jokowi masih bisa seperti Van Gaal yang berhasil meyakinkan pemain-pemain United untuk mengadopsi filsafat sepak bolanya. Namun demikian, Jokowi dan tim pemerintahannya harus semakin merapatkan barisan dan harus menjadi satu suara koor yang indah--bukan bersuara sendiri-sendiri dengan titi nada yang berbeda.

Jokowi memang sedang belajar menjadi presiden, dan kita berharap Jokowi sudah belajar banyak dan tidak membuat blunder-blunder yang akan membawanya seperti Moyes di bulan April!

Salam Kompasiana! Merdeka!


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