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Garbage Insurance Clinic (GIC), Healthpreneur Program From Indonesia

Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   11:35

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Garbage Insurance Clinic (GIC), Healthpreneur Program From Indonesia

By : Gamal Albinsaid, Master student, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia

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The growth of health depends on the independence of healthpreneurship empowerment in communities and alignments. Three factors that can decrease health problems are empowerment, independence, and high sustainabilty of health promotion program. Healthpreneur will directly contribute implication to increase active component which independently conductssocialhealth movement. Healthprenenur will become a representative of the empowerment of social health independence that will have significant implication in health growth.

These focal points will become attitudes of healthprenenurs. These attitudes must become the basis of the birth of logic healthpreneurs. This –preneurship fuels health empowerment, health independence, and health sustainability.

Healthpreneur must become an upbringing character and mindset of all movements in all health programs. Finally, in practical matters, we must start to manage health sources, continue it by implementing healthpreneur, and accomplish it by establishing social health empowerment and independence. This healthpreneur based on empowerment and independence is the solution for Indonesia. It is expected to become a wake-up call for all of us that there is still hope for health in Indonesia.

Collecting health sources in community and developing them for growth in the strategic way are the uppermost stages for communal empowerment of health. With this mindset, we must start to administer social health sources and potentials in a well-organized management. After organizing those social health potentials, we continue health management by analyzing needs and investigating the core problems in order to mobilize all social health pontentials and sources to overcome those core problems. From these circumstances, we establish Garbage Insurance Clinic(GIC) to build an effective and eficient micro health funding which is run by minimum effort, and can lead to optimum results.

Garbage Clinical Insurance (GIC) is a health insurance program which uses garbage as financial program. With this program, residents give sufficient garbage to the clinic. Afterward, residents’ collected garbage is processed into money as "health fund" through two ways. First of all, organic garbage is processed to be fertilizer by applying the method of Takakura, while the inorganic garbage is sold to the collectors. The fund that has already collected is used for health care in a holistic manner, ie the patient's treatment (curative), and making health care quality improvement program that consists of promotive, prevent illness (preventive), and rehabilitative aspects.

There are four standards of excellence of this program. First of all, GIC promotes socioenterpreneur and the profit of this program is all used for financing clinic and health program for residents in Malang City, Indonesia. Secondly, this program uses garbage as the source of finance. In general, residents must pay sum of money to dispose their garbage. GIC offers residents to submit their garbage to clinic, and in return, they can get free treatment, counseling in clinic, and get promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative health programs.

Third, GIC applies a holistic health care system. Currently, standard clinics’ services concentrate their efforts on treating the sick people, while GIC applies a holistic health system that improves the health treatment (promotion), prevents illness (preventive), treats the sick (curative), and rehabilitates people after illness (rehabilitative). Fourth, GIC has broad access. The insurance system with garbage makes GIC insurance system has broad access to the community because almost every day every house produces garbage which is not used, so that all citizens can join GIC program.

Every program which wants to have big implications should possess the power of sustainability. In order to build sustainability, GIC prepares health resources, especially human recources, fund, and communal organization.

Human resources in GIC are recruited from all clusters of healthworkers, such as, doctors, midwives, nurses, pharmacists, denstists, and health volunteers. In terms of funding, GIC conducts a micro finance insurance based community fund as I mentioned above. Thiscommunal organization has capacity to develop and to maintain GIC independently, which is strong in cultural dan structural community. In empowering a communal organization, GIC has three steps, namely, building the system, stabilizing, and establishing independence.

In optimizing this program, GIC advocates the leader in the community for structural and cultural support, and publishes the program massively in order to ensure that the community has broad participation.

GIC has recruited 88 volunteers, 9 doctors, and 12 nurses as human resources which are organized in particular divisions. The funding of this project in term of operasional matter is collected by managing garbage from members of the clinic as mentioned above.

GIC has already had 500 members which can access clinic health service and health promotionby submittingtheir garbage toclinic. GIC has distributed 2000 membership cards for low economic people to get clinic facilities for free without becoming a member. GIC duplicates its clinic in other places to enhance and spread its usefulness in broader zones. Physicians run this program on Monday to Saturdayat 7 am to 9 pm. Besides, GIC has recruited 22 subdistrict cadres who expand itsaccess to the clinic health services.

GIC also conducts creative health education and promotion in spesific segmentation. For instance, GIC conducts health promotion about geriatric diseases for elderly people, health pregnancy, childbirth, and the importance of breastfeeding for pregnant and lactating mothers, reproductive health for adolescents, clean and healthy lifestyle for kindergarten children, andmany more. Besides that, GIC creates and distributes health book, and holds anutritionconsultation service. In rehabilitation program, GIC conducts home visit for patient with chronic diseases and monitors those chronic diseases with laboratory studies. GIC also develops telemedicine which provides all people with health counseling by telephone for free. All of these programs are paid with garbage from the community.

Garbage Clinical Insurance (GIC) paid by garbage is a health insurance system with funding through the garbage which can be patented, duplicated in other regions, and can be adopted as government program to improve the access to public health.


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