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Yang Tak Kuketahui dari Bapak

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:32

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Well.. Jadi awal mulanya sih saya pernah baca sekilas dimention seseorang di Twitter tentang #UbudWriteFestival. Kilat! -Flash Fiction  di Ubud Write Festival. Info saya terima, saya baca cukup menarik... Rulesnya tak susah:

Flash fiction must:
  • tell a complete story—with a beginning, middle, and end
  • have a setting
  • have at least one identifiable character
  • contain a situation/conflict and a resolution
Flash fiction is NOT:
  • a descriptive passage, a literary reflection, an essay or a poem
Good flash fiction:
  • tells a story in which every word is essential
  • ends with a twist
  • lingers in the reader’s mind
  • tries interesting new ways of achieving all these things
We ask that you please follow these guidelines, as we will be rejecting submissions that don’t meet these criteria.

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