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frisilia utami

Mahasiswa universitas negeri Yogyakarta

Laughing at My Self

Diperbarui: 6 Juni 2024   14:12

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

 Laughing at my self

Many days have passed
Series of memories have created symphony
Build palace after palace 

Time flies and takes me to widen insight

But separates me from my little world

This game is full of mystery

It grows the seeds of hope and tear
Each step will lead to uncertainty
Luck and disaster may wait loyaly

In this confusion and amazement
Everything can change all of sudden
Great plan might go wrong
Accident sometimes brings to betterment

I'm at perfect unknown
Bitter pill in my mouth reacts
Every time I believe the other valley greener than mine

The splendid rainbow shines in my eyes
When new hopes born in every down
Billion butterflies swim around in my belly
Reflect indescribable combination of feelings

Which can explode on the split of second
But why it's really hard for me to quit
Laughing at the way how life plays jokes on me...


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