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When PWD's Means Person With Different and Many Ability

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:21

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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

I went to training on Disability, Gender and development in Bangkok on March 8- 21, 2010. The training was held in APCD (Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability) building, it was supported by APCD and JICA. I was representing GEMPITA (as SEHJIRA’s partner) and also as a sign language interpreter for my friend Angkie Yudistia from SEHJIRA Foundation.

The participants of the training were representative of self-help organizations of persons with disabilities from countries of South East Asia, including Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, the union of Myanmar, the Republic of the Philippines, The Socialist of Vietnam, and The Kingdom of Thailand. The objective of this training is to empower persons with disabilities as agents of change and to promote an inclusive, barrier-free and rights based society for all. From Indonesia, Sehjira Foundation and HWPCI Ternate-Maluku were selected as representatives from Indonesia.

Since the first day of the training, I was so amazed with the condition of the building which is being used to conduct the trainings and also as our accommodation. It is so accessible in every aspects for all types of disability, kindly refer to the pictures as I am so speechless to describe it in words, click this link to see the pictures:

accesibility access

They were so many positive things that I got during the training. One of it is how we perceive disability itself. There are two different points of views or models: Medical model and Social Model. Medical model sees that disability is your family and your own personal problem; it means that as a person with disability (PWD) you have to be treated as a patient, go to rehabilitation center. And if you are not succeeded to get a “cure”, it will be means that you are dysfunction as a person.

On the contrary, social model sees disability as social problem. It becomes a social problems because it is related to accessibility. Accessibility creates opportunities that enable all persons to have access to enhance their life with their own capacity. Accessibility in all areas included but not limited to access of information, access of employment, access to equal education, access to participate in development, etc. The main objective of social model is to create inclusive right based society without any discrimination.

I can’t deny that my early concern on disability issue is because of my late-Hearing disability-brother influence but now I realize that disability movement is supposed to be our movement not only for PWDs but also for non-PWDs.
In my opinion, every one of us has a great risk to become PWDs or our parents will become PWDs in the future. If we see wheelchair user in malls, we will see that the majority is elderly people. If it wasn’t because of disability movement, I am sure, many buildings and malls wouldn’t be as accessible as it is right now. It is only a small example, how our PWDs friends act help us and our beloved ones.
So I would like to say thank you and give a high appreciation to our PWDs friends who are willing to fight in reducing barrier and promote equal access in society.

Other than that, my PWDs Friends personally inspired me, especially in time management and for not be ignorance to others. How wisely they manage their time in their daily life, although they have so many roles in life, which also important to be fulfilled, but for them it doesn’t means that they have to neglected their role in the society.

Like many of us, they have to become a good employee, a brilliant student, a caring mother, etc. They realize these roles, give their best, and still they are trying to give positive contribution to human life. They become an agent of changes and role models in community, as their heritage for better future not only for themselves but others.

Like Angkie Yudistia(Hearing disability) an employee of an International company in Indonesia, a National Model, a Master candidate, and also a Public Relation of Sehjira Foundation.
Like Rahmitha Harahap, (Hearing disability), Lecturer in a private university in Indonesia, a caring mother from a very cute daughter named Nabila, and also a president of Sehjira Foundation.

Like Nandar, (Cerebral palsy), my friend from Myanmar, an Entrepreneur, a Doctoral Candidate majoring in math and also a member of a board management of her self help group organization
Like Kyu-kyu, (movement disability), my Myanmar friend, a board member of her organization and also an employee who has to struggle to get into a crowded bus every time she goes to her office.

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