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Rural Microeconomics Based On Digital

Diperbarui: 15 Agustus 2022   15:47

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable to all of the judges

And excellency to all of the audience

First of all, I would like to say thanks to God for his blessing and healthy give to me, so, this time I have chance to participate in this special moment.

The Second one, sholawat and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has struggled with all his might to guide Muslims to the right way.

Please let me introduce myself. My name is Firza Isna Yudha Atmaja, and this time I would like to Convey my speech in front of you in the title "Rural Microeconomic Based on Digital"

Ladies and Gentlemen

The digital economy is all economic activity that use information and communication technology assistance. It includes buying and selling transactions, marketing, and others that can affect the economy. The digital economy refers to an economy based on digital computing technology, although we see it as doing business through internet-based markets and the World Wide Web. 

The digital economy is also known as the Internet Economy, New Economy, or the Web Economy. Nowadays, The digital economy penetrated into transportation, banking finance, agriculture, to urban planning. The development of the digital economy itself is directly proportional to the use of the internet in Indonesia. 

It is proofed by the proliferation of various start-up businesses. It is hoped that the digital economy in Indonesia can also be applied to other industrial sectors. For the examples of large companies based on digital economy in Indonesia are: 1. Netflix, 2. Gojek, 3. By.u 4. Tokopedia.

The advantage of the digital economy for the community is avoid theft cases with cashless transactions. In addition, each transaction process will run more smoothly, quickly and safely. it doesn't take much time. Meanwhile, the weakness of the digital economy in the society is that the digital economy requires a variety of security devices so that it is not easily hacked by hackers. always need media, such as cellphones and computers, theft of personal data, and others

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