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Pengertian Pendidikan Menurut Para Ahli

Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2021   07:41

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Ruang Kelas. Sumber Ilustrasi: PAXELS


Generally, education is a foundation in life that must be built, with education intelligence, skills, and student skills can be improved. In short, education is a learning process that is given to individuals so that they have an understanding of something and can think more critically.

1. Prof. Dr. John Dewey, said education fosters human inner growth without being limited by age. The growth process itself is a process of adjusting to each phase and adding skills in one's development through education.

2. Ki Hajar Dewantara, education helps all the forces of nature that exist in students, so that humans can achieve the highest safety and happiness in life.

3. Aristotle, education is a function of the state and is held for the benefit of the state itself. Education is a provision for decent work, education is guided by the law so that it is in accordance with the results of psychological analysis.

4. Al-Ghazali, said the process of humanizing humans from appearance to the end of their lives, through knowledge delivered in the form of teaching gradually.

5. Martinus Jan Langeveld, education is an effort to help children to be able to carry out their life tasks independently. Education is an adult human effort that guides immature humans.

6. Ahmad D. Marimba, said that education is a conscious guidance given to students spiritually and physically to form a personality.

7. According to Stella Van Petten Henderson, the meaning of education is a combination of growth, self-development and social heritage.

8. Carter V. Good, the notion of education is a social process in which a person is influenced by an organized environment, such as a home or school, so as to achieve self-development and social skills.

9. Law no. 20 of 2003, the definition of education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by themselves, society, nation. , and country.

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