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Failed The College Entrance Exam

Diperbarui: 10 Maret 2023   08:12

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                                                                          Source: Pinterest

In 2021,  I got some bad news that makes me shocked for several days. At first, the day went on as usual until I realized that admission to the university was about to be announced that day. I felt insecure about my result. The hard work that I did was minimal compared to my other friends. In the midst of my confusion, my best friend asked me to hang out. We went to the  Sunflower garden in Kediri City, which was quite far from my house and took a lot of time to travel. Even though the distance was far, I was satisfied to see the scenery there.

For a moment, the beautiful scenery made me forget about the announcement. Without realizing it, it was already 4 o'clock, which means that the announcement had been released for an hour. I was too scared to open the announcement page because I wasn't ready to see my result. My best friend persuaded me to open it right away so that my fear disappeared and made me feel better. Finally, I decided to open the announcement, and I smiled bitterly when I saw the results. I failed to get into my dream university. I was sad, but in the end, I  could accept it and realized that I had tried.


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