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3 Things Im Very Gratefull In My Life

Diperbarui: 26 Agustus 2024   21:41

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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

As a human being we are being gifted with so many things through our entire life. maybe we realize some of them but maybe also those being unseen by us this entire time. have we ever taking times and wonder?,have we realize it yet? have we being gratefull yet? so many questions playing inside my head when i thing about how much god has given me such things and often i find myself recalling all i have done through 18 years of my life and now i would gladly tell them in today topic about 3 things im very gratefull in my life

first of all, being born from the womb of strongest woman i have ever known my mother.why?, i think she is the greatest mom i could ever ask. Im quiet simillar to her as if i was an exact copy of her. we share a lot things in common like our face,the way we laugh,the way we act,or how stubborn we are.But i consider myself lucky to have her in my life.She is my biggest support.Place for me to find home and comfort that i couldnt find anywhere.we often argue but she always forgive me.she always be the one who guide me to the right path. she want me to succed not only in live but also in the after life.the way she love me unconditionaly is something she gives only for me her daughter and im happy and gratefull to be raised by her.

secondly,being healthy since health become most important aspect cause we cant do anything when we are not fit which limitting our move and also something very expensive to afford especialy nowdays when we are surounded by polution and chemical. making us easily to get sick. some of people not so lucky nowdays since we should pay a lot to be healthy. and for us who are healthy we should try to maintain our health by maintain such healthy eating habbit and controling our life style.

third those who made me today,because not many people out there having the same opportunity having loving and caring family that relentlessly supporting me , suportive friends that inspiring and  keep me get going, and engaged in community and enviroment that giving me positive impact.since i often find lot of people out there not getting so much support as i was. often feeling lost and ended up in wrong place. im so gratefull to have lot of great people by my side that always pulling me to the right path remind me where to keep going.that made me who i am today.

from there the conclusion is,those three things i write above are just little things amongs bunch of other things i could mention that im very gratefull about in my life.and im very thankfull to Allah to give me lot of gifts through my entire life.may we always be that person who always remember to be gratefull.

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