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Gaza: A Resilient City Rich in History

Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2023   19:29

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Gaza is the capital of Palestine, famous for its rich history and strong spirit of resilience. Gaza is located in southwestern Palestine, adjacent to the Gaza strip and the Mediterranean Sea, and this ancient city has hosted several different ethnic groups throughout its history. The Old City, with its narrow, winding streets, tells stories of centuries past ago, decorated with historic buildings such as the Great Mosque of Gaza, known as the Great Omari Mosque and the bustling Al-Zawiya market. Despite facing great challenges, the people of Gaza have shown great spirit, creating a vibrant daily life despite the hardships. The beautiful coastal scenery, such as Al-Sudaniya and Al-Rimal, provides a sharp contrast to the difficulties experienced. In conclusion, Gaza is not just a capital city but a testament to the enduring strength and rich culture of the Palestinian people.


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