Public transportation is a passenger transportation service by a group travel system available for use by the general public usually managed according to a schedule, public transportation includes city buses, trams (or light rail) and trains, high-speed trains (metro/subway/underground, etc.) and airplanes
As we all know, the streets in the city are getting congested. Plus, the pollution caused by so many vehicles will cause air pollution in a city, which will interfere and even be harmful to the human respiratory system.
congestion in the city of jakarta
The existence of public transportation is expected to reduce the number of private vehicles, so as to reduce congestion and reduce the number of accidents due to private vehicles, as well as reduce air pollution..
Reasons why public transportation is important to us :
First, we will contribute to reducing the use of fossil fuels, as well as reducing air pollution. Fossil fuels are finite in quantity, and are very environmentally unsustainable. It would be nice if we reduced its use by taking electricity-based public transportation. Such as electric trains, trolleybuses and others.
Second, reduce traffic congestion, and reduce the number of accidents. There is research which states that 1 full capacity bus is like using 50 private cars. Imagine if many people realized this, and switched to public transportation. How quiet the streets and accidents are caused by private vehicles.
Third, our bodies will be healthier by using public transportation. We will often walk, because we need intermodal transit. As we know, walking is very healthy. By walking we can prevent heart disease and improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels.
Fourth, by using public transportation, we will interact with other people. This cannot be obtained if we use a private vehicle, and maybe we can make new friends.
Fifth, by using public transportation, we will save time and costs. Using public transportation will be faster because it can avoid traffic jams such as when using trains and planes. Using public transportation is also very cost-effective, because we don't have to think about fuel costs. Vehicle maintenance costs, tax fees and other costs.