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Fairuz Irbah

Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Meaningless Regret

Diperbarui: 16 Desember 2022   20:38

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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

SMA Nusantara is one of the favorite schools in Jakarta. There are many students there who excel. Some of them come from well-to-do and well-off families. Not all of them, Senja for example, are simple students who enter Nusantara High School because of their intelligence. Senja is a transfer student. She just entered Nusantara High School when he was in class XI. Even though she doesn't come from a rich family, Senja is still grateful for her life now. Senja feels she is not the only person whose life is difficult. There are still many people out there who are not luckier than her.

Senja is a quiet child, she doesn't have many friends, her close friends are Riri and Lilac. Senja is lucky, they are sincere friends. Even though Senja comes from a simple family, Riri and Lilac never mock or belittle her.

However, not all of them are like that. Not everyone wants to be friends with Senja because Senja is not the same as them. Yes, there are still friends at school who choose friends based on the difference in their social status. Even Senja herself doesn't know if she is considered a friend or not. Senja never cared about that. She always tried not to think about what other people said about her and still did well to them. Including one person who really hates Senja.

Alin, is a Nusantara High School student who comes from a respected family. She is also a smart student. Often insults and taunts Senja. Feels that Senja doesn't deserve to go to Nusantara High School because she comes from an ordinary family. She always bothers Senja. Like now, Alin was very upset to see today's notice board. It was written that Senja was the first general winner and her name was under Senja. Before Senja entered this school, Alin always won first place in school. However, now Senja has seized her position. Huh, Senja is annoying!

Full of annoyance, Alin went to class and approached Senja.


Senja, who was chatting with Riri and Lilac, was surprised.

"Why Lin?"

"Why did you take my position, anyway?! Are you jealous of me because you can't afford it?"

"What position, Lin? What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know! Didn't you see the announcement?! You must have cheated on the exam, right?!"

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