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Faiq Fadhlurrohman Raharjo

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Confusion of The Difference between Owner, Founder, and CEO

Diperbarui: 23 Maret 2021   08:33

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Karier. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/Freepik

Companies that have been running for a long time certainly have an organizational structure to define the roles and responsibilities of each individual who works in them. If you look at the top chart, there will be several executive positions listed in it. Starting from the CEO, COO, and other C-Cs or commonly referred to as C-levels, aka the highest executives in multinational companies. Not to mention the founder or owner.
Even though you often hear, do you actually know what and how those executive positions work? straight away we go!

The founder is assigned to the first person who founded or sparked a business idea, while other colleagues can be called co-founders
This founder refers to the first person to come up with or come up with a business idea. So, if there are 2 or more founders or founders of the business, then it can be called a co-founder. So, the co-founder is a partner who works with the founder who is called the first person.

The owner is more of a business owner or an investment in the company
This owner can be an individual or a group. In essence, whoever invests or owns shares in the company, including if the founder also owns shares in the company, that is what is known as the owner.

CEO (Chief Executive Office) the highest position in the company whose job is to lead the entire company
The CEO or chairman is usually referred to as a director. The CEO is appointed by the board of commissioners or a group of people appointed to oversee the activities of a company. To be able to lead the company, the CEO is expected to have the ability to make fast and accurate decisions, minimize business risks, and increase company profits.

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