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The Peace is in the Youth’s Hand: When the Social Network Speak

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   01:56

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Peace is not a word which describes a condition that is free of conflict. But peace describes a condition in society or in any relationship that is operating harmoniously and without violence. Desiderius Erasmus ever said that the most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war. Beside Erasmus, there is also a beautiful quote about peace from Benjamin Franklin. He said that there never was a good war or a bad peace. We can say that peace has always been among humanity’s highest values.

The 21st century opened with the 9/11 attack which caused the collapse of World Trade Center in Washington DC. Moreover, United States responded to the 9/11 attacks by going to war, and it is evident that war is harmful to the exercise of liberty. On March 19, United States invaded Iraq and toppled the regime of Saddam Hussein in 21st days of major combat operations. Many civilians became the victims in this war. War and violence, are not only happen on that case to those countries in this era. Almost in all countries of the world, violence became their daily food. Even terrorism has changed its character because loss of its geographical territories. Everytime and everywhere, violence always exist.

According to the UNESCO’s definition of peace, peace is an anti-violence lifestyle which put dialog as the main factor to solve the problem behind that. Thus, everyone able to conduct peace in their surroundings. Social network is one of the tools to promote peace because it can access by everyone. Online social networking platforms have drastically altered the ways that individuals communicate with each other in the 21st century.Dynamically, we have to see the world in different point of view, including this social network phenomenon. People need to be objective in seeing this phenomenon. In other hand, there are indeed a lot of people who skeptic with social network. Most of them are too afraid of this network, even some people think that social network only a media to build our friendshipand to blow up our narcism.

Besides, we have to admit that the existence of social network already gave enormous good impact towards the world. There are a lot of phenomena about peace issue that have already boosted up by social network. Through social network, messages of peace could be delivered to everyone around the world. Then,in the implementation today, youth have a big role in promoting peace through social network.

In this 21est century, we know several organizations take advantage of the latest emerging technologies to create connections among young people that build empathy and specifically address root causes of conflict among countries and communities. Those organizations are exist in the world or globally, across their nations and connect every youth in the world. Such as Soliya (, Global Kids (, One WorldYouth Project (,PeaceRooms (, Young Changemakers Ashoka ( and British Council Global Changemakers ( Most of them are a non-profit organization and use social network to facilitate dialogue between students from diverse backgrounds across the universe. For example, Soliya. This organization uses web-conferencing technology to bridge the gap between university students in the United States, Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East.

The success of those organizations which use social network have already inspired the youth to create similar organizations. They would like to contribute in the society to realizing peace in their surroundings. In my own country, Indonesia, there are a lot of youth who create peace organizations that based on social network. They use social network such as blog, Facebook, and Twitter to help their action in building peace.

IndonesiaUnite, is one of those various organizations. IndonesiaUnite, that has tagline ‘Kami Tidak Takut’ or ‘We are Not Afraid’, is a movement that ask Indonesian to be united as a strong nation. Through its website (, IndonesiaUnite ask Indonesian youth to add red and white flag in their twitter avatar. Its mean they support fight against terrorism and unite together as a strong nation.

Actually, IndonesiaUnite began as a reaction to the recent hotel bombings in Jakarta. There was a hotel bombing by terrorist in Ritz-Carlton on 17 July 2009. A moment after that bombing accident, Indonesians turned to the internet to trade information, express their outrage and show their support to fight against terrorism in Indonesia. Through social networks, especially Twitter and Facebook, they inform the Indonesian people and the rest of the world about what is really happening here in Indonesia. By using ‘indonesiaunite’ hashtag in Twitter, Indonesia attract the world’s attention. #Indonesiaunite has become the top trending topics in Twitter surpassing popular international tweets such as James Bond and Michael Jackson.

The writer still remember the euphoria of it. Indeed Indonesia sad because once again terrorism attack this country. The implication of that bombing accident was not only from the material aspect, but that hotel bombing also effect Indonesia’s image in the international level and the paranoic feeling towards terrorism. Most of people, whether they are Indonesian or foreigner, thought that Indonesia is not safe anymore. At that time, a lot of parent in Jakarta forbid their children to went outside their home. Many people afraid to see public places such as mall, bank, supermarket and also American fast food such as McD, KFC, etc. In this condition, suddenly there is a light that makes people unite, gather as one nation who give spirit to not afraid of those terrorism attack to this nation. This spirit is about ‘Kami Tidak Takut’ or ‘We are Not Afraid’ campaign which offer by Indonesian youth through social network.

The movement that lead by Indonesia’s young entertainer, Pandji Pragiwaksono, start to spread this issue to as much people as possible in social network. Now, IndonesiaUnite account in twitter (@IndonesiaUnite) have already collected 33.300 followers and 628.620 friends in their Facebook account (

How could this social network help human to build peace and be one of the peacemaker tools? There are two main important reason for this questions. First, because the information access through social network is faster and multiperspective from various background. Second, social network make the donations, help, and support towards anti-violence easier. Fast and huge access of this social network could be learning tool to understand peace and also deliver the peace message. If you have a big dream to build peace in this world, deliver your peace message to as much people in this world today, tomorrow, and afterwards. Then, make this anti-violence movement and peace dialog as your lifestyle. Let us celebrate and promote peace through social network. Nowadays everyone,especially young people, can be a peacemaker because of social network. Indeed the peace is in our hand, Young Generation!

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