Lembaga penegak hukum di Indonesia merupakan ujung tombak dimana keadilan dijunjung tinggi, segala tindak kejahatan maupun tindakan yang tidak berlandaskan kemanusiaan diadili. Demi menjaga dan mentertibkan keamanan negeri maupun keamanan yang lebih dekat dengan masalah sosial masyarakat. Polisi Republik Indonesia (POLRI) mempunyai peran sebagai cerminan lembaga penegak hukum yang memberi perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat.
Polri ini sebagai lembaga penegak hukum yang dekat dengan masyarakat, dimana semua permasalahan sosial yang menyalahi aturan hukum akan diproses di kantor kepolisian setempat. Namun berdasarkan kepuasan masyarakat terhadap kinerja kepolisian sangatlah menuai kontroversi dan kritik di media sosial, dimana banyak sekali oknum-oknum jajaran kepolisian yang melakukan tindak yang tidak seusai prosedur kepolisian , bahkan bertindak semena-mena di tengah masyarakat.
Dengan adanya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi penegak hukum secara tegas melalui pendapat generasi penerus yang menjadi penentu arah bangsa dikemudian hari. Peneliti akan melakukan riset terhadap kepercayaan masyarakat terkait kinerja dan tugas kepolisian, namun peneliti akan berfokus pada generasi milenial.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui kuisioner online dan observasi pengamatan di media sosial.
Terkumpul 32 responden dengan rentang umur 17-22 tahun. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan hipotesis kepercayaan milenial terhadap kinerja kepolisian 2022 menurun. Bisa disimpulkan bahwa kinerja dan fungsi polri dipertanyakan, dimana begitu banyak sekali kasus internal polri yang mencuat ke publik menjadi tolak ukur masyarakat menilai apakah polri bisa melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik disamping kasus-kasus internal yang muncul.
Kata kunci : polri, milenial, masyarakat, kepercayaan, penegak
Law enforcement agencies in Indonesia are the spearhead where justice is upheld, all crimes and actions that are not based on humanity are brought to justice. In order to maintain and order the security of the State and security that is closer to the social problems of the community. The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) has a role as a reflection of law enforcement agencies that provide protection, protection, and service to the community. This National Police is a law enforcement agency that is close to the community, where all social problems that violate the rule of law will be processed at the local police station. However, based on public satisfaction with the performance of the police, it has attracted controversy and criticism on social media, where there are many police officers who commit acts that are not following police procedures, and even act arbitrarily in the community. With this research, it aims to evaluate law enforcement firmly through the opinions of the next generation who determine the direction of the nation in the future. Researchers will conduct research on public trust in police performance and duties, but researchers will focus on millennials. This type of research is quantitative with quantitative descriptive research methods. The data collection method used through online questionnaires and observation observations on social media. Collected 32 respondents with an age range of 17-22 years. The results of the study show that the hypothesis of millennial confidence in police performance in 2022 is declining. It can be concluded that the performance and function of the national police is questionable, where so many internal police cases that appear to the public become a benchmark for the community to assess whether the police can carry out their duties properly in addition to the internal cases that arise.
Keywords: police, millennials, community, trust, enforcers.