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Fadhilah Fahmi

mahasiswi dan guru

The Interfaith Dialogue as a Bridge's Harmony of Multicultural Region

Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2023   00:03

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Ilmu Sosbud dan Agama. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS

Diversity religious born from the Prophets and Apostles who brought it something teachings and messages from God, but back again to the people every era, and every people each of these Prophets is still there make him a prophet believe it as benchmark until moment this, so religions like ours develop feel it moment This. All Prophets and Apostles carried teachings to obedience, docility and submission to God, that's reassuring his people that There is substance proper metaphysics worshiped and obeyed.

Discourse diversity religious No Again topic trite that is not can We ignore it , but rather must researched and appreciated , because life social humans are also concerned and related with his name life religious . Intermediate dialogue people religious own role important in life community, diversity should No create split but rather to know when religion is appropriate and absolute the truth.

Interfaith dialogue is not it just formal discussion between holder or representative religious mass organizations, but also constitute connecting bridge between difference going to absolute harmony, especially in a multicultural country, Indonesia. This dialogue is draft good and important peace, because possible people religious For each other understand and respect their respective beliefs and between religions, so that dialogue between people religious felt is the right strategy because weighed own role important For avoid exists split or dispute between public. Indonesian nation itself is composed nation from thousands islands, diverse ethnicity and culture, and nothing else No Various religions are also practiced Indonesian nation.

Interfaith dialogue is A receptacle Where We can understand, respect and accept part from diversity, dialogue between religions is felt own expected duties and functions society, that is create harmony and harmony, the task is to create opportunity for one religion with another religion for listen and learn One each other started from values religious until practice, so as not to There is split or misunderstandings in the name of religion. When we listen explanation from Friend we are different confidence, there We will start think and understand How draft teachings, stages practice religious them, up to the values taught in social in view them, from that's it We will start open self For accept exists differences, however No split or contention is present, however attitude tolerance and respect are expected.

By geographical, Indonesia only confess six religions, Islam, Christianity, Catholic, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. This matter that's very enough For state that Indonesia upholds tall exists tolerance strong religious beliefs, and the need for dialogue between people religious, no showdown is expected, however peace and and each other respect respect the expected, so Indonesian people can guard integrity and unity of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia.

See from view Nationalism, according to me, please the three Pancasila have sufficient connection complex in interpret and support there is dialogue between people religious, we also know about dialogue between believers religious own role and function in guard Indonesian unity, business neither do Indonesian people regardless from exists a number of community religious and government institutions For strengthen and create harmony and growth tolerance people religious.

As for points importance and necessary effectiveness. We know in interpret and implement dialogue between people religion in life community, including interfaith dialogue possible We For understand and respect teachings and beliefs of other religions, interfaith dialogue is also felt can overcome conflict and intolerance between religions with others like prevent exists extremism nor terrorism, this dialogue is also felt can guard harmony and harmony people religious especially in multicultural countries as in Indonesia, and inter- religious dialogue can confirmed We For absorb science and knowledge new about teachings of other religions, from that's it beginning from unity and mutuality value.

Although interfaith dialogue has lot o benefits, however We need avoid and be wary exists things that make misunderstanding while the dialogue is taking place with representatives of other religions, because urgency discussion religious is fierce and inclined thing sensitive moment discussed Because moment conducting interfaith dialogue, not  regardless from history, teachings, rituals and beliefs of each religion.

So, it's necessary exists the things that we reflect for avoid exists enmity when the dialogue takes place. Like case prepare material relevant and clear discussion, so that all representative understand the problems discussed are inviting holder every religion matters give every from they chance For think and express it from corner look perspective their, use method effective and appropriate communication is also matter important For overcome differences, and respect difference culture nor confidence.

As for other things for create harmony namely, building cooperation fellow people religious for overcome global issue. Behind difference confidence, there is opportunities and opportunities big For create awareness collective that creates unity and tolerance, strength main aim of this collaboration is unite values humanity, global issues such as poverty, disaster natured, change climate, up to moral crisis, no concerning one religion only , however all Indonesian religions and nations feel it , so need good cooperation between religions.

Cooperation between religions is a must own commitment equality goals and perception, through strong Collaboration, not only religious communities, however people You can be religious form more worlds Good with strength harmony people religious too. Putting it together commitment and steps real start from circles religious leaders, Government, society until individual, of course matter the will form vision that can felt the peace. Essay cooperation between people religious naturally aim unite values humanity religious diversity is one of them characteristic for enrich religious diversity in the world.

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