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Sebuah Curhatan: Admitting Mistakes

Diperbarui: 29 Agustus 2021   15:53

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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

I understand that admitting one's mistake is not as easy as it sounds, just like how it's not as easy to choose doing the right thing.

I have encountered this situation a lot of times. Meeting people who did wrong, yet would not admit it. It is frustrating. Why? Because they would just do the same thing over and over and over again. T

hey would not think it is their fault and they would just go down the same road. Not only that, they would point fingers at others. Is it not frustrating? The problem does not lie on whether or not I forgive them, I do. However if I have to be on the other end again and again for the same exact mistake they make, I'm sorry but I can't. 

No one is perfect. Let me repeat that: No one is perfect.

So it is okay to make mistakes, admit, and learn from it. That is how we grow. Not admitting your mistakes not only lessen your credibility but hinder yourself from improvements. I would have to say, I used to do the same, not admitting my mistakes because of the consequences. 

However, growing up, I learnt to just face it. It is my fault anyway. I would rather admit my mistakes, learn from it, and improve, rather than not admitting my mistakes and make other people distrust me for my incompetence. 

I would rather think of what would be best for me in the big picture, rather than saving myself in the small picture. Admitting one's mistakes is a way to build one's integrity and people's trust. Admitting one's mistake is being responsible.

"It takes guts and humility to admit mistakes. Admitting we're wrong is courage, not weakness." - Roy T. Bennett

"Sometimes you just need to be quiet, admit you're wrong, and swallow your pride. It's not giving up. It's growing up."

I know life is hard. I know how the world works today. However the choices are still in your hands. There are always options to choose from. No. Matter. What. So choose what is right. 


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