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Climate Change: A Real Threat To Life On Earth

Diperbarui: 1 Juli 2024   08:13

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 sumber gambar:pixabay,keterangan gambar:kekeringan

Climate change is a real threat to life on Earth.Climate change is caused by several factors, namely human negligence,especially greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide((CO2),methane gas (CH4),and others that can accelerate warming global.Climate change can also worsen water scarcity in areas experiencing heavy pressure on water availbility,and increase the risk of agricultural land drying out, and can also damage ecosystems on land,seas and rivers.The following are some of the impacts of climate change on life on earth, namely:

  • Global Temperature Rise:Increased greenhouse gas emissions which cause that earth's average temperature to rise.This has an impct on extreme weather patterns,more frequent heat waves,extreme weather and erratic seasonal changes.
  • There is an increase in sea tide levels:Global warming cause ice at the North Pole to melt,which causes sea levels to rise.This will have the potential to cause flooding,coastal erosion and threats  to marine animal around the coastsuch as plankton and the like and also threaten small islands and coastal communities.
  • Ecosystem disruption:Climate change can disrupt natural ecosystems in tropical forests or protected forests,causing species migration,extinction of flora and fauna,and affecting the food chain,which can threaten the sustainability of life.
  • Threats to food security:Global warming can damage agricultural production through instability,drought,flooding,and cause wider crop pests and diseases.This can threaten global food supplies and food security.
  • Human Health:Climate change also has an impact on human health through the also has an impact on human health through the spread of diseases related to climate change such as infectious diseases which are spread through disease seeds found in animals,of air pollution, such as respiratory sars or corona, as well as mental health due to frequent natural disasters.


To address climate change that is occurring we need collaborative action from all sectors of global society.This includes reducing     greenhouse gas emissions,strengthening environmental protection policies,promoting renewable energy,increasing energy 

efficiency,and adopting sustainable practices in everyday life to reduce adverse impacts.Climate change for life on Earth.Based on this explanation,it can be concluded that dangers of climate change are not just a figment of the imagination.IPCC  or Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change defines climate change as a change in the state of the climate that can be  identified,for example     using statistical  tests by chabges in the average or variability of its properties and persists for a long time, usually several         

Recently, our country has also felt the impact of climate change phenomena,including the El Nino  phenomenon which has occured in the last few months resulting in dry season and the sun feels very hot,causing the dry season to be  drier than aresult,drought is felt in all regions Indonesia.


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