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Watta Creative Students :))

Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   05:07

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Bagikan ide kreativitasmu dalam bentuk konten di Kompasiana | Sumber gambar: Freepik

Creativity,'s just about a diferent perspective . In this month, our school theme is about sport.  In "role play" class, we made a googles from the lid of  "galon air " ( dunno what the name of dat thing in English_ :D).  They just so enthusiastic as usual. They learn how to tight the lid by them self,  it just needs a yarn and also rubbers. Then...walla... the googles are ready to used by them. At the first, we all are act like we are swam in the swimming pool... then, a student said " miss Elisa, this is not googles, this is like Harry Potter..." :D and then, they start say "yes,'s harry potter...." bla2... :D They asked about "may I borrow the pencil?" "what for?", I said... "for magic stick, miss ..." my goodness... they are awesome :D  They have diferent percpective with me about the "googles". But I just learn from them that, creativity is true, it's about you have to think out of the box :D


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