Quality is More than The Number of Parts: Citations vs Number of Papers
Prof. Hendry Izaac Elim
Indonesia Highly Cited Physicist
Department of Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Pattimura university
Recently, Web of Science (WOS, URL Source: https://clarivate.com/highly-cited-researchers/ ) issued world highly cited researchers based on their citations of whole publications. The reports have been publishing since 2018 up to present time. The judgement was according to the deepest works on significant indicators of top earthly scientists such as (1). h index, (2). citations and (3). number of papers.
Among the above-mentioned 3 important parameters of high quality investigators/ scholars, the number of whole citations of a researcher has shown a very significant variable to obtain the best scientist world wide.
In the end of last year of 2024, there were 6,886 Highly Cited Researcher awards in 2024. This evaluation show a transforming human ingenuity into our world’s greatest breakthroughs mostly contributed from all hard working distinguished scientists from many different nations. It shall be pointed out that none of them were from Indonesia. Such information is a "hotumese" (growing in challenges) for Indonesia active scientists among 17,480 islands located in the center of equator of earth.
The lesson of such analysts of WOS has triggered us as an active scholar in Indonesia as the 4th biggest population among 195 countries in earth to flesh back our published works.