Name : Elfi Afriani
NIM : 22018103
Course: Entrepreneurship
24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK? 23 LM
1. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.
Saturday, September 07, 2024, was the Entrepreneurship class with Ms. Leni Marlina. In accordance with the course taught, we were given an assignment that honed critical thinking. Hello, I am Elfi Afriani with NIM 22018103, an English Education student at Nagri Padang University.
Why do I need to be an entrepreneur? that was the first question given. That's right, why do I need to be an entrepreneur. I really need to think about this. Why?
Being an entrepreneur is a noble job that is dreamed of if it is carried out in accordance with His rules. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the words “Entrepreneurship” is the Prophet and Mother Khadijah. Noble entrepreneurs. They preached with entrepreneurship, one of them.
Entrepreneurship is synonymous with being rich, having a lot of money, being successful, and so on. That's what everyone knows. Islam does not forbid us to be rich, does not forbid us to be successful. In fact, Allah favors strong Muslims over weak ones, it is said in the Qur'an (I forget which surah). With wealth, success, it is easier for us to preach/share, because the hand that is above is more favorable than the hand that is below.
From what I have described, I need to become an entrepreneur because I want to follow in the footsteps of Mrs. Khadijah, Umirul Mu'minin, the maula woman, the woman most loved by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. I feel the need to one day become a successful entrepreneur to get the pleasure of Allah, inviting people to goodness. May Allah be pleased, Aamin Allahumma Aamiin.